NASA celebrates one year of the James Webb Space Telescope performing science operations in deep space by sharing a phenomenal image of a star being born. The image is of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex, which is the closest star-forming region to Earth. In one regard, it seems like just ...
DePontieu has been culling images of two particular types of events on the sun that have long been interesting to scientists. One is known as a prominence, which are cool regions within the interface region that appear as giant loops of solar material rising up above the solar surface. When ...
In addition to the image of sun rays, Curiosity captured a set of colorful clouds shaped like a feather on January 27. When illuminated by sunlight, certain types of clouds can create a rainbowlike display called iridescence. “Where we see iridescence, it means a cloud’s particle sizes are...
周四,NASA在NASA Sun的官方推特页面上分享了太阳微笑的照片。 The image shows a face-like pattern made up of black patches on the Sun. NASA Sun shared the incredible image with the caption: Say cheese! Today, Nasa's ...
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory takes photos that are so high-resolution that not even the most advanced Ultra-HD TVs have the definition to display them in full resolution.(Image credit: NASA / SDO) A NASA spacecraft that constantly stares at the sun for signs of solar storms snaps imag...
Case Study. Monitoring the surface of the sun with NASA's solar dynamics observatory, Z by HP, and NVIDIA.
Here is a picture taken by the SDO. It is a full disk multi-wavelength extreme ultraviolet image in which each colours [seen at different layers] represent different gas temperatures. The blue and green colours seen just outside the sun are of high temperatures in the range of 1 million Ke...
article (NASA) OUTER SPACE - NASA is sharing a photo of the Sun looking like a jack-o-lantern. The photo was taken in 2014 and shows "active regions" on the Sun creating the spooky face. The image was taken in ultraviolet light by the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite....
By clicking Sign Me Up, you confirm you are 16+ and agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy. "It's like flying through a snowstorm," Russ Howard, the head scientist for the camera that took the image, said in an interview. "As you get closer to the storm, they [the sun's part...