如果泄漏严重,空间站可能会迅速失去氧气和压力。 The moment Houston sounds the alarm of a threat, astronauts would have to race to shut thehatchof the leaking section and head to 'lifeboats' docked on the ship. 一旦休斯顿发出威胁警报,宇航员必须立即关闭泄漏部分的舱门,前往停靠在船上的“救生艇”。
The sealed sample canister will be flown on Monday to NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, where it will be opened in a new, specially designed lab. The building already houses the hundreds of pounds (kilograms) ofmoon rocks gathered by the Apollo astronau...
During the 1960s, NASA added to Houston's growing population as nearly fifteen thousand MSC personnel relocated to Houston. The influx of these highly paid workers benefited the area's future progress by purchasing goods and stimulating residential development projects near the laboratory. The NASA ...
A section of the Connecting Ridge is a little wider than a kilometer, said David Kring, principal scientist at the Universities Space Research Association's Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas. Areas exist on the ridge, he said, that are sufficiently large and flat to meet the req...
The Second Conference on Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, LPI, Houston, Tx (1988) Google Scholar [54] P. Eckart, B. Aldrin The Lunar Base Handbook, an Introduction to Lunar Base Design. Development, and Operations (1999) US: McGraw-Hill, 2006 Google Scholar [55] R...
Imagine, if you will, what effects such a massive inundation would have on some of our major public buildings near the Thames; The Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Canary Wharf, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London, and the South Bank are only a few of the many London landmarks...
Building 31 North, which sits on the grounds of Houston’s Johnson Space Center, is where NASA keeps all 600 pounds of the moon rocks it has secured. They are the sole property of the government, collected over six lunar missions and protected with the dramatic intensity of national treasures...