休斯顿约翰逊航天中心(Johnson Space Center ) 位于得克萨斯州休斯敦东南35公里的克利尔湖畔,占地656公顷。是美国国家航空航天局下属最大的太空研究中心,也是参与国际空间站计划的主要航天中心之一。休斯顿太空中心的顶棚悬挂着供航天员训练测试使用的登月舱LTA-8。它的设计与6次成功的阿波罗载人登月计划中使用的登月舱一...
It was built at a major research base at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. 它是在休斯顿美国航空航天局约翰逊航天中心的一个主要研究基地建造的。 During their stay, crew members will take part in many different activities, NASA said in a statement. 美国航空航天局在一份声明中表示,在逗留期...
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NASA's mission control center in Houston was the epicenter of several milestones in human history, including man's first steps on the moon. But today the room is retired and a wreck. Mark Strassmann reports on the efforts to restore the room an
Space Center Houston 休斯敦太空中心和NASA约翰逊太空中心是不可分割的。 约翰逊航天中心是美国最大的航天研究、生产和控制中心。 美国太空火箭的所有控制都在这里完成。 在这里开始难忘的太空冒险之旅。 您可以乘坐观光巴士"NASA电车之旅 " ( NASA电车之旅 ) , 参观曾经工作过的地区,触摸从月球带回的岩石。
Houston where you can see some of its most important landmarks. Afterward, drive 25 miles from the center of Houston to the Space Center Houston and experience America’s adventures in space first-hand. Space Center Houston is the visitor center for NASA's Johnson Space Center. It is a ...
NASA's Exploration Design Challenge (EDC), announced Monday (March 11) during an event at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, engages U.S. students in kindergarten through high school in helping to solve the known problem of increased radiation exposure encountered on flights into deep space. ...
休斯顿太空中心(Space Center Houston NASA) 休斯顿太空中心是一个领先的科学和太空学习中心,休斯顿NASA约翰逊航天中心的官方游客中心和史密森尼会员博物馆。 休斯顿太空中心离市中心有点距离,公共交通比较不便,最好是自行开车前往,车程大概40分钟。 开车去太空中心的路上看到一辆兰博基尼的车牌:“NO PHD”。SIGH。。。
Space Center Houston is an official visitors’ center of NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Touch a real moon rock. See astronauts train on a behind-the-scenes tour of NASA. It’s an out-of-this –world experience for all ages. PricesAdult: ages 12+, 46Child: ages 3-11, 36Beginning July...
Kelly Haston, commander of the CHAPEA-1 simulated Mars mission, speaks just after she and her three crewmates (also pictured) exited the Mars Dune Alpha habitat at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, bringing the 378-day analog effort to a close. (Image credit: NASA TV) NASA's ...