NASA recently announced that the observatory might have discovered a new planet in the galaxy known as Messier 51 or M51. 美国国家航空航天局最近宣布,该天文台可能在星系中发现了一颗被称为梅西耶51或M51的新行星。 The galaxy is popularly known as the “Whirlpool” galaxy. 这个星系通常被称为“涡状...
A NEW planet has been discovered - the first to be found since Pluto in 1930 - Nasa, the US space agency, said last night.
NASArecentlyannouncedthattheobservatorymighthavediscoveredanewplanetinthegalaxyknownasMessier51orM51. 美国国家航空航天局最近宣布,该天文台可能在星系中发现了一颗被称为梅西耶51或M51的新行星。 Thegalaxyispopularlyknownasthe“Whirlpool”galaxy. 这个星系通常被称为“涡状”星系。
NASA recentlyannouncedthat the observatory might have discovered a new planet in the galaxy known as Messier 51 or M51. The galaxy is popularly known as the “Whirlpool” galaxy. The research recentlyappearedin the publication Nature Astronomy. ...
NASA has compiled a list of nearly 5,000 possible planets, more than 3,200 of which have been verified – including 2,325 that were discovered by Kepler. To be classified as a planet, researchers must confirm its status within a 99 percent likelihood. The research that led to the confirma...
and it orbits a star similar to our Sun."Kepler-22b is located about 600 light-years away from Earth and has a volume roughly 2.4 times that of Earth. It is the most Earth-like planet discovered to date in terms of size and orbital path. Like Earth, it orbits a sun-li...
However, recently, NASA has discovered a new solar system only 40 light years away that has seven exoplanets, and that just might have life! An exoplanet is defined as any planet that is not part of our solar system. These newly-discovered seven planets orbit the dwarf star TRAPPIST-1. ...
根据文章第二段Theplanet,WASP-107b,lying200lightyearsaway,wasdiscoveredin2017afterastronomersspottedadistinctperiodiclightgoingonandofflikeacandlefromitshoststareachtimetheplanetpassedinfrontofit(这颗行星WASP-107 b距离我们200光年,是在2017年被发现的,此前天文学家发现每当这颗行星从它面前经过时,它的宿主恒星...
NASA had previously discovered three other planets in the same system, one of which was also in the habitable zone. January 11, 2023 Additional Live Streams Live ABC News Live Top Stories 1:19 Major budget battle, confirmations ahead for Trump administration Feb 09, 2025 2:07 The possible ou...