Telescopes in Hawaii and Chile have discovered a dozen new moons around Jupiter, bringing the total to 92 moons -- more than any planet in our solar system. Feb 7, 2023 00:14 NASA gets best look yet at the "deepest, coldest ices" in space ...
The first planet to be discovered around a regular star was made in 1995 and orbits its host star 51 Peg every 4.2 days. In the nearly 30 years since the first discovery of an exoplanet (as planets orbiting stars other than our Sun are called) we now know of Read more… By Sinead ...
20,000-year-old evidence of ancient 'vehicles' discovered in New MexicoAncient footprints and drag marks at White Sands National Park in New Mexico suggest the earliest known Americans dragged wooden travois-like vehicles. Walvis Bay saltworks: The monster refinery in Namibia with colorful ponds tha...
The latest discoveries from space agencies and astronomers as they explore galaxies, black holes, exoplanets, and more. Also learn about night sky watching events right here on the home planet.Deep Space International Space Station NASA See 2 More + Latest in Space Science Curiosity rover ...
Planet Earth 20,000-year-old evidence of ancient 'vehicles' discovered in New Mexico By Patrick Pester published 23 hours ago Ancient footprints and drag marks at White Sands National Park in New Mexico suggest the earliest known Americans dragged wooden travois-like vehicles. Archaeology Snea...
Astronomers from Turkey and Japan have performed optical observations of a recently discovered nearby supernova remnant known as G206.7+5.9. Results of their observations, published Jan. 28 on the arXiv pre-print server, ... Astronomy report Feb 4, 2025 0 80 Planet party and snow moon to...
Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists Health Benefits of Drinking Hot ChocolateRecommended Stories SPACE Voyager 2’s Historic Uranus Flyby May Have Captured Rare Event, Changing Scientists’ View of the Planet SPACE Is the Ozone Layer Repairing Itself? Scientists ...
Planet's deepest blue hole discovered but depth remains a mystery Blue holes are considered an "oasis" for marine life — but the Taam Ja' Blue Hole off the coast of Mexico remains largely mysterious. May 1, 2024 Videos show where cicadas have already emerged in the U.S. ...
Researchers have discovered 32 needle fragments made from the bones of smaller animals. The tiny tools may have been used to sew insulated garments during the last ice age December 11, 2024 On This Day in History When a British King Stunned the Royal Family by Abdicating the Throne to Marry...
NASA sets sights on Mars terrain with advanced tire tech The mystique of Mars has been studied for centuries. The fourth planet from the sun is reminiscent of a rich, red desert and features a rugged surface challenging to traverse. While several robotic missions have landed on ... ...