目前担任中国材料研究学会纳米材料与器件分会副理事长、中国化学会理事、中国化工学会化学工程专业委员会委员、中国化工学会智能制造专委会委员、中国金属学会功能材料分会委员等职位;担任Science合作期刊 Energy Material Advances 期刊执行副主编、...
Nanomaterials(ISSN 2079-4991) 是一个国际开放获取期刊。创建于2010年,目前已被Scopus、SCIE (Web of Science)、PubMed、PMC、CAPlus/SciFinder、Inspec等数据库收录。期刊主题涵盖纳米生物学与医学、纳米光子学材料与器件、纳米能源、纳米催化、纳米电子学、纳米传感器、纳米结构的理论与计算模拟、环境纳米科学、二维和...
Nanotechnologyis the manipulation or the engineering of functional matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. It is a science, engineering, and technology conducted atNanoscalelevel that involves the designing, manipulating and producing of very small objects orstructures(products) ranged ...
省面上、国重实验室纵向横向项目等 13 项;围绕传感发表 SCI 研究论文 50 篇,其中第一/共一45 篇;H-index 为 19;单篇影响因子大于 10 的有 15 篇,发表在Nature Communications、Science Bulletin、ACS Nano等;数篇 SCI 文章被评...
Also, recent advancements in synthetic biology and material science has resulted in development of novel materials known as Engineering Living Materials (ELM). ELMs have the capability of sensing external and internal signals and generate optimized responses accordingly. ELMs show potential applications in...
The scope comprises (but is not limited to) the fundamental aspects and applications of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the areas of physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering, biology, energy/environment, and electronics. Join the conversation about this journal Quartiles ...
大类:Materials Science小类:General Materials ScienceQ2137 / 463 70% 名词解释: CiteScore:该指标由Elsevier于2016年提出,指期刊发表的单篇文章平均被引用次数。CiteScorer的计算方式是:例如,某期刊2022年CiteScore的计算方法是该期刊在2019年、2020年和2021年发表的文章在2022年获得的被引次数,除以该期刊2019年、...
Nanomaterialshave distinctively different properties from their bulk and molecular counterparts with better specificity, sensitivity, and functionality. Nanomaterials with different physiochemical properties have paved a path leading to a nanorevolution in different fields of science and technology such as health...
201820192020202120222023Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous)Materials Science (miscellaneous) The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second...
近年来,以第一或通讯作者在国际顶级期刊Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials等发表论文23篇,含ESI高被引论文1篇,个人H-index为27;作为主要参与作者发表ESI高被引论文4篇,包括Science、Nature Materials等期刊...