Nano Materials Science Open access 17.8CiteScore 12.6Impact Factor Articles & Issues About PublishSubmit your articleGuide for authors Articles in press Articles in press are accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI. Note to users...
Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total...
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary-10/342 Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-4/107 Physics, Applied-7/159 近年影响因子走势 Impact Factor, 简称IF, 是科睿唯安 (Clariate) 出品的期刊引证报告 (Journal Citation Reports,JCR®) 中的一项数据。即某期刊前...
About ACS Nano Published monthly, ACS Nano is an international forum for the communication of comprehensive articles on nanoscience and nanotechnology research at the interfaces of chemistry, biology, materials science, physics, and engineering. Moreover, the journal helps facilitate communication among sc...
ranges from the medical applications of nanomaterials and biological devices, to nanoelectronics biosensors, and even possible future applications of molecular nanotechnology. Current problems for nanomedicine involve understanding the issues related to toxicity and environmental impact of nanoscale materials. ...
Nano Materials Science(NMS) is an international and interdisciplinary, open access, scholarly journal. NMS publishes peer-reviewed original articles and reviews on nanoscale material science and nanometer devices, with topics encompassing preparation and processing; high-throughput … ...
学科:MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYSCIEQ4374 / 438 14.73% 学科:NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGYSCIEQ4120 / 140 14.64% 学科:PHYSICS, APPLIEDSCIEQ4156 / 179 13.13% 名词解释: 汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数...
下表是ACS nano引用期刊的情况,可以看出,除了自引次数最多外,Nature、Science、Advanced Materials、Journal of the American Chemical Society等顶级期刊也在引用较多的期刊行列。 ACS nano的发文类型都有哪些? 截止目前,ACS nano共发文9584篇,其中,论文9205篇,编辑评论291篇,综述122篇,更正110篇,新闻54篇,信件24篇...
Nano Materials Science (NMS) is an international and interdisciplinary, open access, scholarly journal. NMS publishes peer-reviewed original articles and reviews on nanoscale material science and nanometer devices, with topics encompassing preparation and processing; high-throughput characterization; material ...
FormerlyNanoscale Research Letters(2023 Impact Factor: 5.5),Discover Nanois expected to receive its first Impact Factor under the new name in 2025. Covers nanoscale research in physics, materials science, biology, chemistry, engineering. A Discover journal focused on speed of submission and review, ...