The small size and bright luminescence of NanoLuc® luciferase bring exquisite sensitivity to many applications. From NanoBRET® technology, a BRET-based method to study protein:protein and protein:small molecule interactions, to NanoLuc® Binary Technology (NanoBiT), NanoLuc is the cornerstone for...
Methods: Our goal was to mechanistically decipher the interaction between full-length AR (AR-FL) and AR-V7 in AR-null HEK-293 cells using the NanoLuc Binary Technology under androgen stimulation and deprivation conditions. Results: Our data point toward a hypothesis that AR...
NanoLuc® Binary Technology (NanoBiT™) is a two subunit system based on NanoLuc® luciferase. Large BiT (LgBiT; 17.6kDa) is the large subunit of the NanoBiT® system. References Alternate Names ec; firefly luciferase; Fluc; LuC; Luciferase; luciferin 4 monooxygenase; ...
binary technology (nanobit ® ) 通过创建一个互补型报告基因系统(其中包含一个长度只有11个氨基酸的亚基),将这一方法更进一步提升。以下视频解释了高亲和力的nanobit ®互补(hibit) 系统是如何工作的。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞...
Centre for Genomics and Personalised Health, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, 4001, Australia Kirill Alexandrov Contributions Z.G. designed experiments, performed experiments, analysed data and wrote manuscript, R.D.P. designed experiments, performed experiments, analysed data, Y.X. ...
Monitoring intracellular protein interactions using NanoLuc® Binary Technology (NanoBiT™)Marie Schwinn
To this purpose, split luciferase proteins have been used to develop a novel complementation reporter called NanoLuc Binary Technology (NanoBiT). The luciferase NanoLuc is divided in two subunits: a 18kDa polypeptide termed "Large BiT" and a 1.3kDa peptide termed "Small BiT", which only weakly ...
Inspired by the split green fluorescent protein (GFP) and its 尾-barrel structure, two split NLuc consisting of peptide fragments have been reported including the binary and ternary NLuc systems. NanoBiT (large fragment + peptide) has been used extensively. In contrast, tripart split NLuc (large...