《ACS Applied Nano Materials》的影响因子为5.3。 接下来,我将详细解释这一影响因子的含义及其重要性: 一、影响因子定义 影响因子(Impact Factor,简称IF)是衡量学术期刊影响力的一个重要指标。它反映了期刊在过去两年内发表的论文被引用的平均次数,是评估期刊学术水平和影响...
Nano Materials Science Open access 17.8CiteScore 12.6Impact Factor Articles & Issues About PublishSubmit your articleGuide for authors Articles in press Articles in press are accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI. Note to users...
Journal Abbreviation: ACS NANO Journal ISSN: 1936-0851 About ACS Nano Published monthly, ACS Nano is an international forum for the communication of comprehensive articles on nanoscience and nanotechnology research at the interfaces of chemistry, biology, materials science, physics, and engineering. More...
更多关于ACS Applied Nano Materials Editor-in-Chief:Kirk S. Schanze, University of Texas Deputy Editor:T. Randall Lee University of Houston Impact Factor 2021: 6.140Total Citations 2021: 19,177 CiteScore 2021: 7.2 ACS Applied Nano Materials is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original ...
相关成果以我校为第一完成单位发表在材料及纳米能源领域权威学术期刊Advanced Materials (Impact Factor: 21.950, TOP期刊), Nano Energy (Impact Factor: 13.120, TOP期刊)及Small (Impact Factor: 9.598, TOP期刊,Front Cover封面文章)上...
Impact Factor 2021: 6.140 Total Citations 2021: 19,177 CiteScore 2021: 7.2 ACS Applied Nano Materialsis an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of engineering, chemistry, physics and biology relevant to applications of nanomaterials. The journal is devoted to repor...
下表列出了ACS nano自2007年以来的被引情况,可以看出,其总被引次数为97676次,其中,RSC Advances引用其次数最多,此外,除了自引,Nanoscale、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Nano Letter、Carbon、Small、Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials等材料领域的著名期刊也引用了ACS nano上的文章,被引频次也均超...
期刊越来越多,很多纳米领域不错的工作投到了材料类期刊如AM,综合类期刊如NC上,另外ACS Nano也分流了...
Nano Researchis a peer-reviewed, international and interdisciplinary research journal that focuses on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Submissions are solicited in all topical areas, ranging from basic aspects of the science of nanoscale materials to practical applications of such materials....
学科:MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYSCIEQ2137 / 438 68.84% 学科:NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGYSCIEQ248 / 140 66.07% 名词解释: 汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计。JCR将收录期刊分为176个不同学科类别在...