Nano Materials and Processes, Inc. (NanoMPI) is the global leader in the production of highly refined detonation nanodiamond crystals and the creation of customized applications for industry and consumers.
Advanced Materials and Processes at the Nano/Micro Scale in Covering Materials of Greenhouses for Energy Savings Advanced Materials Used as Greenhouse CoveringsGreenhouse coveringsAir‐bubbled polymersThin filmsThe technological potential of using advanced materials as greenhouse coverings is investigated. The...
Special Issue—Materials and Manufacturing Processes on Multifunctional Micro- and Nano-Structuresangleconfigurationcoolingfinite-difference methodfinishing standheat transfer coefficienthot strip millrollroll biteslabTo dissipate the thermal energy from the body of a work roll during its cyclic movement in ...
27,28]. Attrition (or milling) consists in grinding macro- and microscale materials to generate particles of nanosized range [29]. These methods have shown limitations in terms of physical conditions and required equipment, as they are
et al. Low-temperature aqueous-phase methanol dehydrogenation to hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Nature 495, 85–89 (2013). ADS CAS PubMed MATH Google Scholar Ziegler, C. et al. ZnPd/ZnO aerogels as potential catalytic materials. Adv. Funct. Mater. 26, 1014–1020 (2016). CAS MATH Google...
Nanophase Technologies Corp (NANX) -- Nanophase Technologies is an industry-leading nanocrystalline materials innovator and manufacturer with an integrated family of nanomaterial technologies. The entire focus of Nanophase is nanotechnology, with two distinct and patented processes for the preparation and com...
However, the application of 2PP within cell culture has largely focused on printing micron- and sub-micron sized scaffolds for 3D cell culture19. More recently, studies have focused on the incorporation of specific 2PP printed features within other cell culture fluidic materials20,21. Nevertheless...
efficiency, and detection methods of yielding NH3. Then, the electrocatalysts for NRR processes are discussed in detail, including pristine MOFs, MOF-hybrids, MOF-derived N-doped porous carbons, single atomic catalysts from pyrolysis of MOFs, and other MOF-related materials. Subsequently, MOF-...
It is known that thermal stability of nanocomposites is generally dependent on the degree of dispersion and wt. % of the nanoclays, with a well exfoliated nanocomposite displaying increased stability71,72. This is presumably due to the thermal stability of inorganic materials70, their interactions ...
Materials and Methods Chemicals and Reagents ATS was obtained from Kunyao Group Wulingshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (Chongqing, China). A.V.T. (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. supplied the soybean lecithin (PC95), cholesterol, and DSPE-MPEG2000 (Shanghai, China). AAT Bioquest, Inc. suppli...