领导好 纳米及先进材料研发院有限公司(简称NAMI),于2006年成立,并由创新科技署指定为纳米技术和先进材料的研发中心。NAMI进行及支持市场主导的纳米技术和先进材料研发工作,并致力达成技术商品化,从而推动本港作为知识型经济的发展。 手机版:Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited...
納米及先進材料研發院有限公司 Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited於2006年04月20日在香港成立。公司編號為:1038964,該公司类别属于擔保有限公司。公司年審日期爲成立次年後,每年04月20日 至 06月01日。截至今日,公司共經營了18年9個月25天。公司現狀为:仍註冊。
相关成果以我校为第一完成单位发表在材料及纳米能源领域权威学术期刊Advanced Materials (Impact Factor: 21.950, TOP期刊), Nano Energy (Impact Factor: 13.120, TOP期刊)及Small (Impact Factor: 9.598, TOP期刊,Front Cover封面文章)上...
《Advanced Materials》《Materials Today》这两刊是材料领域的永恒钻石,IF均很高,其中AM知名度更高些;...
Advanced Materials and Technologies for Micro/Nano-Devices, Sensors and Actuators: Springer... S Krylov,N Dick 被引量: 12发表: 2010年 Advanced Materials & Technologies for Micro/Nano-Devices Advanced Materials and Technologies for Micro/Nano-Devices, Sensors and Actuators, edited by E. Gusev, E...
近年来,以通讯作者/第一作者在 Science Advances、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano、Small和Journal of Materials Chemistry A等国际知名期刊上发表SCI论文130余篇,被引次数累计7000 余次,h因子44。 第一作者 陈宇涵 现...
Advanced Materials and Processes at the Nano/Micro Scale in Covering Materials of Greenhouses for Energy Savings Advanced Materials Used as Greenhouse CoveringsGreenhouse coveringsAir‐bubbled polymersThin filmsThe technological potential of using advanced materials as greenhouse coverings is investigated. The...
目前以第一作者或者通讯作者在重要学术期刊 Science Advances、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano、Nano Research等发表高水平论文十余篇,以合作者在重要学术期刊Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Chem等发表论文二十余篇,申请中国发明专利四项,获得授权专利三项。受邀兼任中国新材料发展产业联盟科学家智库常务理事、Current...
Materials Today Nanois a multidisciplinary journal welcoming submissions spanningnanoscienceandnanotechnology. From thedesign and assembly of nanostructured materials, functionalizationandpropertiesto theimaging of nanomaterials, the journal aims to capture the latest advances and … ...
Materials Today Nano is a multidisciplinary journal welcoming submissions spanning nanoscience and nanotechnology. From the design and assembly of nanostructured materials, functionalization and properties to the imaging of nanomaterials, the journal aims to capture the latest advances and … View full aims...