Cycloalkanesarealkaneswith a ring structure, identified by adding "cyclo" to the root name, such as cyclohexane. In cases where both a ring and a chain are present, the part with more carbons is given priority. For rings with a single substituent, the location can be omitted, but multip...
like they are shown on this page. They each have a preferred conformation, as you will see in great detail with cyclohexane as you proceed in organic chemistry. In fact, here is a conformation of cyclooctane, viewed in the Newman representation. Notice how it has axial and equatorial substit...
be studied. They were given names far before the IUPAC convention of 1919. What that means is that sometimes you're going to see carboxylic acid derivatives or carboxylic acids named with the common naming system. Let me give you a case in point. How often have you heard of ethanoic...