and had their own district of the universe. TheAncient Egyptian Pharaohswere declared gods after their death and received their funeral ceremonies. The worship of these divine deities was the main reason behind the creation of the most beautiful archaeological wonders on the face of the earth which...
Various conjectures have been made in recent times respecting a possible foreign origin of this name. Some derive it from the Kenites, with whom Moses sojourned, Sinai, the ancient dwelling-place ofYhwh, having been, according to the oldest tradition, in the Kenite country. A Canaanite, and,...
Amun is an AncientEgyptian namemeaning the hidden one. Amun was an Ancient Egyptian god who became fused with another god, Ra. Amun-Ra was worshiped as the god of the sun. 7. Anatoly Anatoly isa Russian namethat means sunrise. Considered one of the greatest chess players in history, Ana...
Tomb King (and Queen) names are inspired by ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian influences, just like their background and culture is. Surnames come in the form of titles or at the very least title-like surnames. Names like 'the Visionary' and 'the Imperishable' show how these names tend to...
Hathor belongs to the goddess of the sun according to the Egyptian mythology. There are several references in her temple that speak of her glory, including “her rays illuminate the entire Earth.” 31. Helie In Ancient Greek mythology, Helie is one of the seven daughters of Helios, who is...
Namesakes: Biblical boy name after one of Jesus’ 12 disciples Also a powerful name after the 7th US President Andrew Jackson and 17th US President Andrew Johnson Variants: Andreas (ancient Greek name), André (Portuguese and French boy name), and Anders (Scandinavian boy name) Anthony Origin...
Haikyuu! The protagonist, !’s Hinata, goes by the name of this character. To compensate for his small stature, he practiced jumping high. 33. Heliodoro The name Heliodoro translates as “gift of the sun” in both Spanish and Portuguese. Because his ancestors were sun priests, the ancient ...
A modified form of Buddhism which prevails in Thibet, Mongolia, and some adjacent parts of Asia; -- so called from the name of its priests. See 2d Lama. lamaist noun (n.) Alt. of Lamaite lamaite noun (n.) One who believes in Lamaism. lamaistic adjective (a.) Of or pertaining ...
4: 71Egyptian MysteriesIX, 110–11, 142, 144; andEnlightenment: 144; and Khoiak festival:110–11; non-existent: 110; Osiris: 110Egyptian priests 118; books: 119Elektra 36Eleusinian MysteriesXII, 1–20; admission:2–3, 176; and agriculture: 19; allegorisa-tion: 2;anaktoron/a:8,12–...
The Beta Israel have a Bible and a prayer book written in Geʿez, an ancient Ethiopian language. They have no Talmudic laws, but their preservation of and adherence to Jewish traditions is undeniable. They observe the Sabbath, practice circumcision, have synagogue services led by priests (koha...