high priestess发音 意思翻译 女祭司;女领袖 n.大祭司,祭司长 相似词语短语 high priestesses───女祭司;女领袖 high priests───大祭司;主教;主要人物;领袖 high priest───大祭司;主教;主要人物;领袖 high priesthood───大祭司 high rises───高楼大厦,高层建筑 ...
It seemed to me that I had been transported into a country far away from this country, into an age remote from this age, that I stood in ancient Egypt and that I was listening to the speech of some highpriest of that land addressed to the youthful Moses. ParaCrawl Corpus s...
addition of “and Aaron” after the mention of Moses are found in thePriestlysource, which was written at a time when the priests had a more dominant position inJudahthan they had before theexile. By then Moses had ceased to be the hero of the priests, and Aaron had taken over that ...
The priests of ancient Egypt.(Review) (book review)Strudwick, Helen
Rider Haggard's Ancient Egypt H. Rider Haggard's fiction has not often been connected with forms of the gothic in Victorian culture, and yet it contains many of the regular motifs of the gothic tradition. Indeed, in his book on the gothic, Devendra P. Varma contends ... R Pearson - ...
Doing the math, 133 in 267 will be angels, 126 in 267 will be cave men, 7 in 267 will be on par with ancient Egypt, and only one in 267 will be a technological species. Keeping in mind that in this case, "technological" means it has technology ranging from steam power to ...
The Jewish religious leader presiding over the Sanhedrin, the highest court of justice and the supreme council in ancient Jerusalem. At this time, the high priest would have been Caiaphas or Annas.3. SanhedrinThe assembly of Jewish leaders, including elders, scribes, and priests, who were ...
6When everything had been arranged like this, the priests entered regularlyinto the outer room to carry on their ministry.7But only the high priest enteredthe inner room,and that only once a year,and never without blood,which he offered for himselfand for the sins the people had committed ...
The next step in any conspiracy was getting infiltrators into the “enemy camp”. Though Ficino and most members of the Academy were priests, none held high enough positions in the Church and were too visible on the radar to pull this off. Therefore, Lorenzo de Medici engineered the promoti...
Empirical medicine developed in ancient Egypt, and involved the use of many potent drugs still in use today, such as castor oil, senna, opium, colchicine, and mercury. In spite of their skill in embalming, however, the Egyptians had little knowledge of anatomy. In Sumerian medicine the Laws...