Nuclear meltdown Number 3 (a combo of 1+2) Number two Numere Due Numero dos Offering a sacrifice to the porcelain gods Offload some freight One wiper Open wide and let it slide Open your bowels Pack your underwear Paint the bowl (especially for a really wet one) ...
Their joint explosion ranks among the largest non-nuclear explosions of all time. The evening before the attack, General Sir Charles Harington, Chief of Staff of the Second Army, remarked to the press, "Gentlemen, I don’t know whether we are going to make history tomorrow, but at any ...
Roomby –A feel-good and clever endearment for your robot. Minesweeper –A name for your Roomba that is taken from a popular puzzle video game. Fumbles –Pick this quirky name for a Roomba robot that malfunctions at times. NSD –This name is an abbreviated version of “Nuclear Servant ...
Bolt Thrower were one of death metal’s most dependable bands without a weak release to their name. Evolving from their grind-enthused early days, the Brits leaned harder on trench-digging grooves that served as the sonic battlefield for their exclusively war-driven themes. Barry Thomson and...
Chernobyl – More radioactive than a nuclear explosion. Collision Course – Don’t get in the way of these guys! Head Shots Pinky Beer Ping Pong Beers Will Bowl for Beer Hops Scotch Wrong Hole, Right Cup Wet Balls Street Gypsies Ram Rod ...
aAnother possible nuclear terrorism threat are devices designed to disperse radioactive materials over a large area using conventional explosives, called dirty bombs. The detonation of a "dirty bomb" would not cause a nuclear explosion, nor would it release enough radiation to kill or injure a lot...
that indeed was part of his mission, he did not have long to wait. On August 29, 1949, the Soviets detonated their first atomic bomb, dubbed Joe-1 by the United States. On September 23, President Harry Truman announced that the Soviets had the bomb -- the nuclear arms race had begun...