How can we protect our nuclear power plants?Don’t count on the plant security forces -- they aren’t nearly strong enough. These plants are each vulnerable to air strikes, truck bombs, boat bombs, and of course, the well-equipped and well-armed single madman or small group of terrorists...
Adapted from Tom Clancy's gripping novel, this Cold War-era thriller follows an American CIA analyst as he tries to prevent a Soviet nuclear submarine from reaching U.S. waters. Starring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin, the film offers a tense and immersive portrayal of the geop...
nuclear submarine. The seasoned Captain Frank Ramsey (Gene Hackman) and his new executive officer Lt. Commander Ron Hunter (Denzel Washington) find themselves in a bitter power struggle as a potential nuclear disaster looms. As the world teeters on the brink of war, the fate of humanity rest...
This is a project to document the works of video game designers and programmers for early, primarily 8-bit, systems. It focuses on platforms where most games were created by individuals or small teams, including home computers (like the Atari 800 and Apple II), consoles (like the Atari 2600...
6) watching nuclear bombs explode in the distance won't harm your eyes if you wear sunglasses; 7) oil spills don't damage wildlife; 8) energy efficiency isn't cost effective; 9) there is no connection between greenhouse gases and changes in the climate; 10) renewable energy will never be...
How Russian Nuclear Bomber Works? Tu 160 Tu 22 Tu 95 Sat, Jun 22, 2024 A look at Russia's Soviet era strategic nuclear bombers now paired with modern cruise and hyper sonic missiles. Add image How Hezbollah Military Compares Against Israel?
RateBay of PigsThu, Jan 26, 2023 Add a plot RateEisenhower's WarsSun, Jan 29, 2023 Add a plot RateStalingradThu, Feb 2, 2023 Add a plot Rate The History of Britain's Black AirmenSun, Feb 5, 2023 Add a plot RateNuclear Near MissesFri, Feb 10, 2023 Add a plot RateHow...
NothingShortOfWarfare.xal /usr/share/games/xblast-tnt/level/NowhereToRun.xal /usr/share/games/xblast-tnt/level/NowhereToRunII.xal /usr/share/games/xblast-tnt/level/NowhereToShrinkFullPLegoLand.xal /usr/share/games/xblast-tnt/level/Nuclear.xal /usr/share/games/xblast-tnt/level/OhShit.xal ...
Nuclear meltdown Number 3 (a combo of 1+2) Number two Numere Due Numero dos Offering a sacrifice to the porcelain gods Offload some freight One wiper Open wide and let it slide Open your bowels Pack your underwear Paint the bowl (especially for a really wet one) ...
In the near future, robots have become the favored weapon of war, be they android or drones. A drone pilot serving in the military finds himself paired up with an andoird ally. The duo is tasked with stopping an evil plot for a nuclear attack but they’ll encounter some of the most ...