name 'sc' is not defined 1. 这是因为另一个程序占用了python kernel的缘故,你重新开了一个程序运行就会报错,这个时候我们需要把原来的程序关了,然后再重新运行现在的就行了 参考文献
一、问题源头 在notebook里面执行: import os #os.path.dirname(__file__)返回的是.py文件的目录 path1=os.path.dirname(__file__) print(path1) 二、原因 不能在jupyter(或者其他交互式)中这样写 三、解决方
在jupyter notebook 中打开ipynb文件时报错: File "e:\python36\lib\site-packages\traitlets\config\", line 457, in load_config self._read_file_as_dict() File "e:\python36\lib\site-packages\traitlets\config\", line 489, in _read_file_as_dict py3compat.execfile(conf_file...
I tried to run the following code in Jupyter notebook: from sys import exit from sacred import Experiment ex = Experiment('jupyter_ex', interactive=True) @ex.main def my_main(): pass if name == 'main': ex.run_commandline() I have found t...
@文心快码nameerror: name 'print' is not defined 文心快码 当你遇到“NameError: name 'print' is not defined”这样的错误时,这通常意味着Python解释器无法识别print作为一个内置函数。这种情况比较少见,因为print是Python的标准内置函数。不过,还是有一些可能的原因和解决方法,我将分点详细解释: 拼写或语法错误:...
NameError: name 'basestring' is not defined 在 PaddlePaddle,今天我在百度AIStudio的JupyterNotebook上运行一个线性回归的波士顿房价预测的代码时,训练代
jupyter notebook 中打开ipynb文件时报错 NameError: name 'true' is not defined 2018-08-20 19:28 −... crr121 0 3927 多线程启动selenium,报NameError: name '__file__' is not defined 2019-12-09 17:56 −将__file__加上单引号就解决了: # 获取当前文件名,用于创建模型及结果文件的目录 ...
Hi, I have run your jupyter notebook file succesfully. I have then saved nn4_small2 into a .h5 file. I'm now trying to convert this file to tflite, for which I use the tflite_convert tool using the documentation provided here . When I tr...
The image shows the confirmation within Jupyter Using sagemath # import and add the alias simportsagemathass Yo use it we place thealias"s" in front of the function s.cos(s.pi/x) Ifsagemathdoes not always work correctly. We know the following: "The philosophy of SageMath is to use exist...
2 回答name 'classifier' is not defined 1 回答‘’self‘’ is not defined name什么鬼? 1 回答跟着老师打的,可是为什么会报错NameError: name 'X' is not defined? 1 回答'df' is not defined 1 回答为什么运行后会有name 'self' is not defined ...