NameError: name 'pd' is not defined I triedimport pandas as pdin the main notebook, inside the function, in always with the same result. You can check the code at It's the first time I'm creating a pac...
I tried to run the following code in Jupyter notebook: from sys import exit from sacred import Experiment ex = Experiment('jupyter_ex', interactive=True) @ex.main def my_main(): pass if name == 'main': ex.run_commandline() I have found t...
name 'sc' is not defined 1. 这是因为另一个程序占用了python kernel的缘故,你重新开了一个程序运行就会报错,这个时候我们需要把原来的程序关了,然后再重新运行现在的就行了 参考文献
notebook --generate-config点击确认之后,就可以看到这样的一个界面了: 根据位置打开相应的目录: 第2步:.添加jupyter_notebook_config.py配置文件 在对应目录...这个原因就是因为我们没有给jupter配置一个工作目录,之前安装下来的工作目录,是默认的。所以我们需要重新设置一下自己的工作目录,那具体怎么操作呢? 修改...
今天我在百度 AI Studio的Jupyter Notebook上运行一个线性回归的波士顿房价预测的代码时,训练代码的那一块,遇到这个错误 就是basestring没有定义,百度搜索后,遇到的解答是,paddle的这个文件paddle/utils/ 是用的Python2 写的,而我的运行环境是Python3,那请问百度Paddle工程师这个该怎么改了?
在jupyter notebook 中打开ipynb文件时报错: File "e:\python36\lib\site-packages\traitlets\config\", line 457, in load_config self._read_file_as_dict() File "e:\python36\lib\site-packages\traitlets\config\", line 489, in _read_file_as_dict ...
在jupyter notebook 中打开ipynb文件时报错: File "e:\python36\lib\site-packages\traitlets\config\", line 457, in load_config self._read_file_as_dict() File "e:\python36\lib\site-packages\traitlets\config\", line 489, in _read_file_as_dict ...
Issue It seems as though there are still a few bugs to squash with the latest version. When trying to build notebooks using the latest version of sphinx-codeautolink (0.16.0), I'm seeing this error: Traceback (most recent call last): Fil...
jupyter notebook 中打开ipynb文件时报错 NameError: name 'true' is not defined 2018-08-20 19:28 −... crr121 0 3927 多线程启动selenium,报NameError: name '__file__' is not defined 2019-12-09 17:56 −将__file__加上单引号就解决了: # 获取当前文件名,用于创建模型及结果文件的目录 ...
I work on Dataiku and I have a jupyter notebook which is work and now I want to include this on python recipe. The objective is to write dataframe pandas in a dataset. data_f is the name of my dataframe and output_gen_python is the name of my dataset in dataiku. ...