This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a name tag with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, a name tag is an item that you can not make with a crafting table or furnace. Instead, you need to find and gather this item in the gam
One simple change: a new crafting recipe for nametags. In Bedrock Edition, mobs can despawn very easily if very specific conditions are not met. A Name Tag is a great way to stop this from happening. However, nametags are quite uncommon and difficult to come across. This add-on adds a...
A nametag modification mod minecraftminecraft-modnamenametagname-customization UpdatedAug 7, 2024 Java Red-Teapot/NametagHider Star3 Code Issues Pull requests A Spigot plugin that hides player nametags and shows them on right click minecraftspigotspigot-pluginminecraft-pluginnametag ...
And anyways, who would want an Enderman to have an name tag when he will just teleport away? I can see the uses for it but it's not to useful. Howzieky added a comment - 17/Jan/13 3:37 PM [Mod] Kumasasa just customize each mob one at a time Howzieky added a comment -...
Confirm that villagers can be named now, and the solution is not shift-right-click as expected, but just right-click, which means you cannot trade with a villager with a nametag in hand. And still cannot attach leads to a villager. Is there a new ticket for that or? [Mod] redstone...
TagKey[minecraft:entity_type / forge:trains] This is set to print only inDEV_SHORTmode by default so that mod's development environment after world load will see only the shortened message. The modes areSILENCED,DEV_SHORT,DEV_VERBOSE,PROD_SHORT,PROD_VERBOSE. Prod is included as an opt-in ...
【My Name i..【前言】先简单介绍下MITE,全称是Minecraft is too easy(丧病)。这是Minecraft的一个超高难度mod,一开始只有3格血和饥饿度,没有木质工具,怪物超变态,无法加入其他辅助
我的世界1.17-1.12.2名字伤害变化 Name Pain Mod由作者“naqaden”所制作。 Name Pain Mod基于玩家和生物生命值的变化重新设计了名字的颜色,同时名字的颜色和透明度是可配置的。 mod特点: 现在你可以看到你的朋友们做的有多糟糕,并且在没有额外的视觉杂乱如记分牌的情况下关注你的宠物。
_cnConfig_配置文件{:name_tag:} config.yml 用于储存玩家中文名 settings.yml 用于自定义设置 若第一...