如果你只写了import matplotlib而没有指定pyplot作为别名,那么你需要使用matplotlib.pyplot.plot来调用plot函数,或者像上面那样为pyplot指定一个别名。 如果是自定义函数或变量,请确保其定义在使用之前: 如果你自己定义了一个名为plot的函数或变量,并且在使用它之前没有定义,那么你会遇到这个错误。确保你的定义在使用之...
如果你是在python notebook环境下需要在前面加上一句%pylab 就可以了:%pylab import pandas plot(arange...
ipython --pylab
from pylab import
rsValueAxisNameNotFound is a critical error that will occur when a ChartSeries.ValueAxisName element contains a value that
Hello, I jsonify is not define in scatter_plot.py, line 46 return self.view_functions[rule.endpoint](**req.view_args) File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pyxley/charts/mg/scatter_plot.py", line 46, in get_data return jsonify(ScatterPlot.t...
Lines of the form isinstance(init,basestring) raise a NameError in python 3 because there is no such type anymore. Here is a patch which makes the module work in python 3. I put it right after import types try: unicode = unicode except N...
either there is a mismatch (SNMS=-2) or a perfect match (SNMS=2). Similarly, in the region of uncertainty, small score differences do not help to distinguish between matches and mismatches. In the regions of discrimination, instead, there is already a preference towards matches or mismatches...
ppn训练怎么做? 0 回复 qq_破晓_36 2017-06-15 没有定义classfier,是不是少了def plot_decision_regions(X, y, classifier, resolution=0.01)。看看ppn模型训练做了没,代码没问题的,Python语法错误的话百度一下就行。 0 回复 #1 慕仙3408556 ppn训练怎么做? 2018-03-20 回复 机器...
Now, once we’ve defined the brand and their users, now let’s focus on the objectives for your future name. Because without a clear goal in mind, you can’t really make a meaningful decision. Naming is definitely not “I will know it when I see it” kind of thing. So the next ...