如果plot是matplotlib库的一部分,并且你还没有安装这个库,你需要安装它。可以使用pip来安装: bash pip install matplotlib 如果已经安装了matplotlib但仍然遇到问题,尝试更新到最新版本: bash pip install --upgrade matplotlib 综上所述,解决“name 'plot' is not defined”错误的关键在于确保plot在你尝试使用它之...
如果你是在python notebook环境下需要在前面加上一句%pylab 就可以了:%pylab import pandas plot(arange...
ipython --pylab
from pylab import
报:name 'classifier' is not defined这怎么解决慕粉2354397719 2017-04-30 源自:机器学习-实现简单神经网络 3-5 关注问题 我要回答 3969 分享 操作 收起 2 回答慕仙3408556 2018-03-20 ppn训练怎么做? 0 回复 qq_破晓_36 2017-06-15 没有定义classfier,是不是少了def plot_decision_regions(X, y,...
rsInvalidFieldNameNotCLSCompliant is a critical error that will occur whenever a Field element has a Name attribute that
Applies toRDL 2008/01,RDL 2010/01, andRDL 2016/01 rsInvalidSourceSeriesNameis a critical error that will occur when aChartDerivedSeries.SourceChartSeriesNamedoes not refer to the name of an existingChartSerieswithin theChartData.ChartSeriesCollectionfor aChart....
Hello, I jsonify is not define in scatter_plot.py, line 46 return self.view_functions[rule.endpoint](**req.view_args) File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pyxley/charts/mg/scatter_plot.py", line 46, in get_data return jsonify(ScatterPlot.t...
The type of a Conflict object is specified by the WdRevisionType enumeration. ConnectorFormat Reserved for internal use. ContentControl An individual content control. Content controls are bounded and potentially labeled regions in a document that serve as containers for specific types of content. ...
Lines of the form isinstance(init,basestring) raise a NameError in python 3 because there is no such type anymore. Here is a patch which makes the module work in python 3. I put it right after import types try: unicode = unicode except N...