在Python中遇到“NameError: name 'plot' is not defined”这个错误,通常意味着你尝试使用一个名为plot的变量或函数,但是Python解释器在当前的作用域内找不到这个名称的定义。下面我将根据提供的tips,逐一分析并给出可能的解决方案: 确认plot是否为应定义的变量或函数: 如果plot应该是你代码中的一个变量或函数,确...
如果你是在python notebook环境下需要在前面加上一句%pylab 就可以了:%pylab import pandas plot(arange...
from pylab import
The WorkbookModelChange event occurs when the data model is updated. AppEvents_WorkbookNewChartEventHandler A Delegate type used to add an event handler for the WorkbookNewChart event. The WorkbookNewChart event occurs when a new chart is created in any open workbook. AppEvents_WorkbookNewSheet...
PlotArea Represents the plot area of a chart. Point Represents a single point in a series in a chart. Points A collection of all the Point objects in the specified series in a chart. ProofreadingErrors A collection of spelling and grammatical errors for the specified document or range. ...
2.1.1523 Part 1 Section, plotArea (Plot Area) 2.1.1524 Part 1 Section, plus (Plus) 2.1.1525 Part 1 Section, printSettings (Print Settings) 2.1.1526 Part 1 Section, protection (Protection) 2.1.1527 Part 1 Section, pt (Numeric...
PlotArea Represents the plot area of a chart. Point Represents a single point in a series in a chart. Points A collection of all the Point objects in the specified series in a chart. ProofreadingErrors A collection of spelling and grammatical errors for the specified document or range. ...
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/lingpy/convert/plot.py", line 285, in plot_tree backend = mpl.get_backend() NameError: name 'mpl' is not defined bambooforestclosed this ascompletedAug 8, 2014...
PlotArea Represents the plot area of a chart. Point Represents a single point in a series in a chart. Points A collection of all the Point objects in the specified series in a chart. ProofreadingErrors A collection of spelling and grammatical errors for the specified document or range. ...