}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 Gamma-ray spectrometry measurements have been made of the fission yields of selected \f1\'e3\f0 -rays emitted by the spontaneously fissioning isotopes \super 252osupersub Cf and \super 244osupersub Cm. The measured \f1\'e3\f0 -rays were selected based ...
Tribolium anaphe irradiated as larvae of various ages with gamma rays]]>Tribolium anaphegamma radiationdevelopmentNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1570-7458.1989.tb01290.xMahbub HasanM. KhalequzzamanAtaur Rahman Khan
Gamma ray irradiationSingle crystalPure and PbF2 doped CaF2 crystals were obtained in our crystal research laboratory. The influence of PbF2 concentration on the color centers induced by 纬-and x-rays irradiation were studied. Two broad absorption bands with maxima peaked at 410 and 730?nm ...
Irradiation experiments using 60Co γ-rays were undertaken on CCl3F to examine the radiation damage of fluorocarbon, used as solvent in the recovery of 85Kr from the off-gas of fuel reprocessing plants operating on the solvent absorption. The conditions of irradiation were varied in the range ...
gammaradiationChromosomal aberrations were investigated in human peripheral blood lymphocytes after exposure to low doses of 60Co gamma rays delivered acutely or at low dose rates (0.1 or 0.03 Gy/h). Chromosome analysis was performed in cells collected after a 44 to 46 hour culture time in ...
Purpose: The purposes of this study are to investigate spontaneous dicentric frequencies and dose–response curves of dicentrics induced by gamma 60Co for replenishing the data sets used for biodosimetry in Vietnam. Materials and methods: One hundred and four healthy donor blood samples were ...
gamma rays polarization Mossbauer Faraday effect Fe3O4.We have observed the Mossbauer Faraday effect in nonstoichiometric Fe3O4 by the Mossbauer polarimeter. Experimental results demonstrate that the electronic hopping above Verwey temperature within Fe2+-Fe3+ ions on the octahedral sites is only a ...
10**15-eV]]>E.Zh. MullazhanovA.N. NosovK.H. NuritdinovT.S. Yuldashbaev
177Lu gamma rays and the corresponding distance relationship]]>ShieldingDistanceTungsten-containing rubberProtective apronLu-177THERAPYABILITYEXPOSURESAFETYObjectiveThe purpose of this study is to determine the dose reduction of different shielding materials at various distances from ...
J. Calculated response and wall correction factors for ionization chambers exposed to 60 Co gamma‐rays. Med. Phys. 1981 ; 8: 85Nath R and Schulz R J 1981 Calculated response and wall correction factors for ionization chambers exposed to Co-60 gamma-rays Med. Phys. 8 85-93...