Secondary leptons produce synchrotron radiation in\nthe hard X-rays and soft $\\gamma$-rays. As an example, we predict the X-ray and\n$\\gamma$-ray emission from IPWD V1223 Sgr. Depending on the spectral index of\ninjected particles, this high energy emission may be detected by the ...
patientenlagerungsplatte for investigations and treatments with example: x-rays roentgenstrahlen uf roentgen rays, or gamma rays. etc.GSCHEIDLEN WILHELM
1283915 Radiation absorption testing E M I Ltd 7 Aug 1969 [23 Aug 1968] 40317/68 Heading G1A [Also in Divisions H4 and H5] The absorption co-efficient for radiation, such as X or gamma rays, as a function of position throughout a given body is determined by exposing the body to the...