Write the name of the compound with the formula (NH4)2SO4. Write the name of the compound with the formula CoBr2 6H2O. Write the name for the formula H_3PO_3. What would be the proper way to write the formula for a compound containing aluminum and oxygen?
Answer to: Write the name of the compound with the formula (NH4)2CO3 and identify the cation and anion. By signing up, you'll get thousands of...
What is the chemical name of (NH4)2Cr2O7? What is the chemical name for CO? What is the chemical name for HCH3CO2? What is the chemical name for water? What is the chemical name for LiC2H3O2? What is the chemical name of CH_3CH_2CH_2OCH_2CH_2CH_3?
The Raman and infrared spectra of triammonium hydrogen diselenate (NH4)3H(SeO4)2 (NHSe) have been recorded between 100 and 400 K. The present spectroscopic investigation cofirms the existence of five phases previously observed by other techniques. The analysis shows a progressive ordering with ...
[*] +charset = utf-8 +indent_style = space +indent_size = 2 +end_of_line = lf +insert_final_newline = true +trim_trailing_whitespace = true + +[*.md] +insert_final_newline = false +trim_trailing_whitespace = false diff --git a/.env.development b/.env.development new file ...
利用能随时降解普通有机物质(例如纸和木屑)的细菌所进行的试验表明,包括塑料垃圾袋、“用后即丢”的尿布、饮料瓶等在内的大多数产品并不是可以生物降解的。 研究人员指出,术语“生物降解”这个词的使用是不规范的。一些生产厂家说,这些产品如果在物理上发生了变化,则是可能生物降解的,它们一旦与其它物...
What is the name of the molecule shown? What is the IUPAC name for H3PO4? What is IUPAC nomenclature? What is the name of the compound with the formula (Nh4)2SO4 ? What is the name for the compound MnO4(-)? What is the chemical formula for carbon tetrafluoride? Provide the IUPAC ...
A method has been developed for the direct determination of trace lead in Lake Michigan and two sources of drinking water. This method uses electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with platform atomization and a combined modifier of nickel, ammonium dihydrogenphosphate and sodium hydroxide (NI-NH4...
6倍,甲状腺癌已成为发病率快速上升的我国最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。专家表示,甲状腺癌主要是由于家庭遗传导致的。一些家族性的遗传病,比如缺乏某种基因亦或者是激素的合成有障碍,都会导致甲状腺激素从甲状腺球蛋白分离和释放入血发生困难,从而形成结节,导致甲状腺癌。 以下各项如果为真,最能削弱专家结论的是:
structure(solidsandliquids)The title compound is synthesized by solid state reaction of a stoichiometric mixture of NaNO3, Co(NO3)2, and NH4H2PO4 (porcelain crucible, 350 °C for 12 h and 650 °C for 24 h).doi:10.1002/chin.201613022Youssef...