A sort of hunting dog; -- perhaps from Lucerne, in Switzerland. noun (n.) An animal whose fur was formerly much in request (by some supposed to be the lynx). noun (n.) A leguminous plant (Medicago sativa), having bluish purple cloverlike flowers, cultivated for fodder; -- called ...
The sequence reveals that Elisabeth was once a big star. Workers sand her name on the sidewalk amid the celebration, and people stop in awe of her name. As the years go by, people comment that she was in some movie they can’t remember, and then someone callously spills garbage on her...
A medicinal plant also known as “unicorn root” because of the horn-like appearance of its long stems of white flowers.Aletrisshares its fashionable Al– beginning with popular picks likeAlexanderandAlexis. Betony This pretty wildflower has an equally appealing name, which could work just as well...
juglandin noun (n.) An extractive matter contained in the juice of the green shucks of the walnut (Juglans regia). It is used medicinally as an alterative, and also as a black hair dye. ladin noun (n.) A Romansch dialect spoken in some parts of Switzerland and the Tyrol. noun (n...
Yangjiang floodgate slope Southeast of Grand Cape Mount's Bay is located in town of hailing island gate, mountain peaks surrounded on three sides, facing the vast South China Sea, beach 2.5 km long, 100 meters wide, shaped like a horn, hence the name "Grand Cape Mount's Bay", is hailin...
A Romansch dialect spoken in some parts of Switzerland and the Tyrol. noun (n.) A person speaking Ladin as a mother tongue. ladkin noun (n.) A little lad. ladykin noun (n.) A little lady; -- applied by the writers of Queen Elizabeth's time, in the abbreviated form Lakin, to ...
lucernnoun(n.) A sort of hunting dog; -- perhaps from Lucerne, in Switzerland. noun(n.) An animal whose fur was formerly much in request (by some supposed to be the lynx). noun(n.) A leguminous plant (Medicago sativa), having bluish purple cloverlike flowers, cultivated for fodder;...
A Romansch dialect spoken in some parts of Switzerland and the Tyrol. noun (n.) A person speaking Ladin as a mother tongue. ladkin noun (n.) A little lad. ladykin noun (n.) A little lady; -- applied by the writers of Queen Elizabeth's time, in the abbreviated form Lakin, to ...
juglandin noun (n.) An extractive matter contained in the juice of the green shucks of the walnut (Juglans regia). It is used medicinally as an alterative, and also as a black hair dye. ladin noun (n.) A Romansch dialect spoken in some parts of Switzerland and the Tyrol. noun (n...