(Instruments)musica wind instrument used in the Swiss Alps, consisting of a very long tube of wood or bark with a cornet-like mouthpiece [C19: from GermanAlpenhornAlps horn] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, ...
奶牛, 角, 阿尔卑斯山的, 牧场, 山, 夏天, 雪(Cow, Horns, Alpine, Pasture, Mountains, Summer, Snow) 资源编号 :42766658 格式:jpg 文件体积 :1m 分辨率 :1920 x 2560 JPG 1m 名称分辨率格式 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 收藏 评论 在线编辑 ...
Italy), which was reported that it was protected there and was conserved. It can also be found in countries like Switzerland, Italy, Austria, France, Slovenia and Germany. Unfortunately, the number
The Alpine ibex is not threatened at this point in time, although this species has been hunted ruthlessly for its magnificent horns, and because of the belief that parts of its body hold pharmaceutical qualities. Remarks Capra(Latin) a she-goat.Ibex(Latin) a kind of goat, a chamois. ...
In the colony of Albris SNP alpine ibex are found in the forest all year round, particularly in the months of May, June, and September. The behaviour types hitting/rubbing of trees and digging (with the horns) or horning the ground seem to serve the same purpose or rather are prompted ...
communicating over moderate distances by the inhabitants of mountainous regions. It is associated with theAlpinepeoples ofSwitzerlandand the AustrianTirol. But it is found also in other mountain regions (e.g.,in China and the Americas) and among the Pygmies of Africa and the Aboriginal peoples ...
sheep, (Ovis aries), species ofdomesticatedruminant(cud-chewing)mammal, raised for its meat, milk, and wool. The sheep is usually stockier than its relative thegoat(genusCapra); its horns, when present, are more divergent; it has scent glands in its face and hind feet; and the males la...
The author was himself a German solider who survived the war, became a teacher and a writer, but when in 1933, his works were banned and publicly burned on the initiative of the Nazi propaganda minister,Joseph Goebbelshe and his wife left Germany to live in Switzerland.All Quiet on the We...
In the colony of Albris SNP alpine ibex are found in the forest all year round, particularly in the months of May, June, and September. The behaviour types hitting/rubbing of trees and digging (with the horns) or horning the ground seem to serve the same purpose or rather are prompted ...
动物, 摩羯座, 山, 角, 战斗, 阿尔卑斯山的(Animal, Capricorn, Mountains, Horns, Fight, Alpine) 资源编号 :42771189 格式:jpg 文件体积 :4m 分辨率 :5184 x 3888 JPG 4m 名称分辨率格式 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 收藏 评论 在线编辑