Genital tuberculosis (TB) in females is by no means uncommon, particularly in communities where pulmonary or other forms of extragenital TB are common. TB can affect any organ in the body, can exist without any clinical manifestation, and can recur. TB was recognized as a clinical entity as...
From May to September in the females, the greater number of immature oocytes could be observed; starting from November immature oocytes decreased and progressively those with a wider diameter increased in number. Spawning took place in April–May and generally not all eggs were spawned, a small ...
In the majority of physiologic conditions, the gonadal steroids feedback at the hypothalamus and pituitary to decrease GnRH and gonadotropin secretion. An exception is at the time of the periovulatory LH surge in females, believed to be due to positive feedback by rapidly rising ...
Overall, EMGi activity was highest for the female during shuddering (gamete depositS.DepartmentJ.DepartmentCookeDepartmentR.DepartmentS.DepartmentMcKinleyDepartmentD.DepartmentP.DepartmentPhilippDepartmentWileyEcology of Freshwater FishCooke, S. J., R. S. McKinley, and D. P. Philipp. 2001. Physical...
Some architectural traits were segregated sexually only in MO, while some physiological ones only in AFS. Leaf photosynthesis was higher in females than in males in AFS over a large part of the diurnal cycle, but SSD was not expressed in carbon gains at plant or daily scales. Leaf C/N ...
of sperm to the upper female reproductive tract—the oviduct. Settlage and coworkers in 1973 reported results of a study in which fertile ovulatory females were intravaginally inseminated with donor sperm at the time of bilateral salpingectomy for sterilization. Within 5 minutes after insemination, ...
After finding these micro-organisms in some populations of Diplolepis spinosissimae (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) where they are responsible for thelytoky through gamete duplication, we searched for Wolbachia spp. using specific PCR primers in nineteen other species of the Rhoditini tribe (rose gall...