@echo off setlocal :: :: File to upload: 261 bytes long (446 bytes) [1] :: set LONG_FILE=f:\MingW32\src\GUI\Harlinn\2022.01.11\Tests\3rdParty\gdal\data\gdrivers\sentinel2\fake_l2a_MSIL2Ap\S2A_MSIL2A_20170823T094031_N0205_R036_T34VFJ_20170823T094252.SAFE\GRANULE\L2A_T34VFJ_...
Standalone: Added support for osgeo and gdal. Windows: Fix, there were issues with spurious errors attaching the constants blob to the binary due to incorrect C types provided. Distutils: Fix, need to allow / as separator for package names too. Python3.6+: Fix reference losses in asyncgen...