针对你遇到的警告信息“warning 3: cannot find gdalvrt.xsd (gdal_data is not defined)”,以下是一些解决步骤和建议: 检查GDAL库是否已正确安装: 确保GDAL库已经正确安装在你的系统上。你可以通过运行一些GDAL相关的命令来测试其是否正确安装。例如,在命令行中输入gdalinfo --version,如果GDAL已安装,这将显示GDAL...
it can still return null if the field exists in the definition but it is not set in the feature gdal.GDALDrivers.get() now throws an Error if an invalid driver is requested instead of returning a null object gdal.GeometryCollectionChildren.get() now throws an Error if an invalid sub-geom...
Please make sure that the git command line client is available on your system. Otherwise, the above command might not clone the gdalcubes C++ library as a submodule under src/gdalcubes. The package builds on the external libraries GDAL, NetCDF, SQLite, and curl. Windows On Windows, you wil...
CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s is not a directory, nor can be directly created as one.", pszName ); return FALSE; } /* --- */ /* Store various information. */ /* --- */ pszPath = CPLStrdup( pszNameIn ); pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNameIn ...
nNotCSVCount++;continue;}if( !OpenTable( oSubFilename ) ){CSLDestroy( papszNames );nNotCSVCount++;return FALSE;}}CSLDestroy( papszNames );/* --- *//* We presume that this is indeed intended to be a CSV *//* datasource if over half the files were .csv files. *//* --- ...
CPLDebug("PG", "BINARY cursor is used for geometry fetching"); #endif } else if (!STARTS_WITH_CI(pszNewName, "PG:") && !STARTS_WITH(pszNewName, "postgresql://")) { if (!bTestOpen) CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
The temporal reference is defined by a simple start date/time and the temporal duration of cells; (vi) For every combination of dimensions, a cell has a single, scalar (real) attribute value. This specific data cube type has a number of limitations and other definitions are more general ...
the construction of data cubes is not trivial and involves decisions that must be taken with regard to any particular analyses. This paper proposes on-demand data cubes, which are constructed on the fly when data users process the data. We introduce the open-source C++ library and R package ...