Given a layer name, returns the layer index as defined by either a Builtin or a User Layer in the Tags and Layers manager. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Example() { Debug.Log(LayerMask.NameToLayer("TransparentFX")); } } Leave...
ComputeFlatteningTolerance function (Windows) IsAdditionalPdpContextProfile (Windows) ProfileCreationType (in ModemDMConfigProfile) (Windows) IPixEngine5Callbacks::LoadTextureFromFileComplete method (Windows) ISpatialAudioObjectForHrtf::GetBuffer method (Windows) PtrdiffTToInt function (Windows) IInkRecognition...
Is an array of objects containing position and color starting with position 0 and ending with position 1. Intermediary positions may be used to specify other colours on the path. Caveats Using the interface above it may be possible to create gradient fill effects not possible using the XLSX ...
Generally, name disambiguation, also called entity resolution, is the task of removing duplicates from large noisy databases. This task is affected by ambiguity itself, due to the multiple names which are used to refer to it in database theory: record linkage, deduplication, data matching, instan...
(features=features,mode=mode,logits=logits,labels=labels)# Averages loss over classes.per_example_loss=math_ops.reduce_mean(unweighted_loss,axis=-1,keep_dims=True)weights=head_lib._weights(features,self._weight_column)# pylint:disable=protected-accesstraining_loss=losses.compute_weighted_loss(per...
Why extrapolation would not be useful and wise to use in force-elongation graph? Compute the derivative of the given function and find the slope of the line that is tangent to its graph for the specified value f the independent variable. f(x) = 9x^2 - 2x + 8; x = 3 ...
Adding a Gradient to a Panel adding a new line within a string Adding a Radio button to a datagrid adding a subitem to a specific colum in listview Adding additional lines to multi-line text box? Adding Controls to a Table Layout Panel in code Adding editable dropdown (drop...
If the irls option is not specified, the optimization is carried out using Stata's ml commands, in which case all options of ml maximize are also available. maximize options: difficult, technique(algorithm spec), iterate(#), no log, trace, gradient, showstep, hessian, showtolerance, ...
ml report reports ln L's values, gradient, and Hessian at the initial values or current parameter estimates, b0. ml trace traces the execution of the user-defined log-likelihood evaluation program. ml count counts the number of times the user-defined log-likelihood evaluation program is called...
compound core cpu detail fluid ie imgproc nn ocl onnx own plaidml python render s11n streaming video wip Classes class classGKernelPackage A container class for heterogeneous kernel implementation collections and graph transformations.More...