One of the sound quality metrics in the Dell specification is prominence ratio of a tone, and this is listed in the table below. • Noise ramp and descent at bootup. Fan speeds, hence noise levels, ramp during the boot process to add a layer of protection for component cooling in the...
Qt::RadialGradientPattern 16 Radial gradient (set using a dedicated QBrush constructor). Qt::TexturePattern 24 Custom pattern (see QBrush::setTexture()). See also QBrush. enum Qt::CaseSensitivity ConstantValue Qt::CaseInsensitive 0 Qt::CaseSensitive 1 enum Qt::CheckState This enum describes the...
Is an array of objects containing position and color starting with position 0 and ending with position 1. Intermediary positions may be used to specify other colours on the path. Caveats Using the interface above it may be possible to create gradient fill effects not possible using the XLSX ...
This attribute is not supported in Microsoft Word 2013 or later. b. The standard defines the attribute style:data-style-name, contained within the element This attribute is not supported in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 or later.English (South ...
enum SizeHint { MinimumSize, PreferredSize, MaximumSize, MinimumDescent } enum SizeMode { AbsoluteSize, RelativeSize } enum SortOrder { AscendingOrder, DescendingOrder } enum TabFocusBehavior { NoTabFocus, TabFocusTextControls, TabFocusListControls, TabFocusAllControls } enum TextElideMode { ElideLeft,...
Qt::RadialGradientPattern 16 径向渐变(使用专用的QBrush构造函数设置)。 Qt::TexturePattern 24 自定义模式(请参阅QBrush :: setTexture())。 另见QBrush。 枚举Qt :: CaseSensitivity 不变值 Qt::CaseInsensitive 0 Qt::CaseSensitive 1 枚举Qt :: CheckState 此枚举描述了可检查项,控件和小部件的状态。 不...
Qt::RadialGradientPattern 16 Radial gradient (set using a dedicated QBrush constructor). Qt::TexturePattern 24 Custom pattern (see QBrush::setTexture()). See also QBrush. enum Qt::CaseSensitivity ConstantValue Qt::CaseInsensitive 0 Qt::CaseSensitive 1 enum Qt::CheckState This enum describes the...
This property is not supported in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 or later. PowerPoint disregards color animations for animations that use the AnimColor element. b. The standard defines the property "charPosture", contained within the attribute smil:attributeName This property is not supported in Pow...
2.1.929 Part 3 Section 19.838, text:main-entry-style-name Article 2021/07/16 Feedback a. The standard defines the attribute text:main-entry-style-name, contained within the element <text:alphabetical-index-source> This attribute is not supported in Microsoft Word 2013 or later....
This attribute is not supported in Microsoft Excel 2013 or later. b. The standard defines the attribute table:filter-name, contained within the element , contained within the parent element This attribute is not supported in Excel 2013 or later.English (Canada) Your Privacy Choices...