MojoSort™ Human CD4 Naïve T Cell Isolation Kit - Non-CD4+ Naïve T cells are depleted by incubating the sample with the biotin antibody cocktail followed by incubation with magnetic Streptavidin Nanobeads.
图1. 人初始CD4 T细胞分选试剂盒分选流式图 组成成分: ▪ 人初始CD4+T细胞生物素抗体混合物II:针对CD8,CD14,CD15,CD16,CD19,CD25,CD34,CD36,CD45RO,CD56,CD123,TCRγ/δ,HLA- DR和CD235a(糖蛋白A),1 mL ▪ 人初始CD4+T细胞磁珠混合物II :与单克隆抗CD61抗体(亚型:小鼠IgG1)和抗生物素抗体(...
该试剂盒用于从小鼠脾脏和淋巴结单细胞悬液中分离初始CD4+T细胞。 详细的分离过程 通过去除记忆CD4+T细胞和非CD4+T细胞来分离小鼠初始CD4+T细胞。 小鼠脾脏或淋巴结的单细胞悬液用生物素化的单克隆抗体混合物(主要试剂)标记,而抗生物素的磁珠作为辅助标记试剂间接磁性标记细胞。 同时,将CD44 磁珠添加到标记记忆T细胞...
在癌旁正常组织的图谱里面,都是naive的CD4和CD8阳性T细胞。 因为历史遗留原因,T细胞主要是区分成为CD8+ T cell 和 CD4+ T cell 两个大类,也可以是按照功能进行划分,naive, memory ,effector,cytotoxic,Exhaustion。
人原代 Naive T cell细胞,细胞详述naiveTcell,也称作未致敏T细胞,在胸腺中发育成熟迁移至外周淋巴组织中(如脾脏、淋巴结)。其未接触抗原刺激前处于相对静止状态,在胸腺中发育的一类带有CD4、TCR/CD3、CD28、CD62L、CCR7等表面分化抗原的T细胞。其通过抗原刺激或树突状
As the thymus involutes with age, the maintenance of peripheral naive T cells in humans becomes strongly dependent on peripheral cell division. However, mechanisms that orchestrate homeostatic division remain unclear. In this study we present evidence that the frequency of naive CD4 T cells that ...
Naive CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit, mouse information, including chemical properties, structure, melting point, boiling point, density, formula, molecular weight, uses, prices, suppliers, SDS and more, available at Chemicalbook.
The Naive CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit II was developed for the isolation of untouched naive CD4+ T cells from human peripheral J 正在加载大图... 4 5 销售价: 市场价:¥7299.00 会员价:最低¥7299.00起更多会员价6 商品评分:///...(共0人评论) (产品信息...
naive T cell,也称作未致敏T细胞,在胸腺中发育成熟迁移至外周淋巴组织中(如脾脏、淋巴结)。其未接触抗原刺激前处于相对静止状态,在胸腺中发育的一类带有CD4、TCR/CD3、CD28、CD62L、CCR7等表面分化抗原的T细胞。其通过抗原刺激或树突状细胞(Dendritic cell,DC)的递呈作用,可进一步分化成Th1细胞、Th2细胞、Th17细胞、...