Nagini was also shown to be very intelligent, and was able to understand the concept of strategies and plans, as seen when she set up a trap for Harry Potter (which may have been due to her possessing a portion of Voldemort's soul, or maintaining her human sentience). She was rather ...
Quan el Senyor Tenebrós descobreix que Harry Potter pretén destruir-lo, tanca a Nagini en una esfera de vidre protegida de qualsevol atac. No obstant això, Neville Longbottom aconsegueix matar-la usant l'Espasa de Godric Gryffindor que treu del Barret Seleccionador. Abans d'això, per ...
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Nagini is one of many snakes featured in the series Before we met Nagini, snakes were already a prominent theme in Harry Potter. In fact, one of the first times we saw Harry exhibit his magic, he spoke to one – albeit a friendly one with dreams of...
Nagini is the 2nd VM of 3-box HarryPotter VM series in which you need to find 3 horcruxes hidden inside the machine (total 8 horcruxes hidden across 3 VMs of the HarryPotter Series) and ultimately defeat Voldemort. 信息收集 fscan 扫描靶机目标IP为: ...
Name: HarryPotter: Nagini Date release: 29 Apr 2021 Author: Mansoor R Series: HarryPotter About Release × This mentions the name of this release, when it was released, who made it, a link to 'series' and a link to the homepage of the release. It's common for an author to release...
- TheHarry PotterLexicon ↑The Leaky Cauldron:"Heart of Ravenclaw," "Deadly Veil" Never Contenders for HP Title" ↑Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book, TheDark Arts Death Eaters Leader: Lord Voldemort Death Eaters: Alecto Carrow|Amycus Carrow|Antonin Dolohov|Augustus Rookwood|Avery (I)|Avery (II)|...
Harry Potter: Magical Creatures No. 9 - Nagini 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 哈利波特系列 Magical Creatures No. 9 纳吉尼 Nagini 12.97 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
After Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) saves Arthur Weasley (Mark Williams) from an attack by Nagini, Molly Weasley (Julie Walters) hugs Harry and tells him, " was a lucky day for the Weasleys when Ron decided to sit in your compartment on the Hogwarts Express, Harry." The opposite...
vulnhub是个提供各种漏洞平台的综合靶场,可供下载多种虚拟机进行下载,本地VM打开即可,像做游戏一样去完成渗透测试、提权、漏洞利用、代码审计等等有趣的实战。 PS:这个是HarryPotter(哈利波特)系列一共有三个靶机,这是第二个Nagini老样子需要获得root权限找到flag(这里是魂器)即可。