Nagini was also shown to be very intelligent, and was able to understand the concept of strategies and plans, as seen when she set up a trap for Harry Potter (which may have been due to her possessing a portion of Voldemort's soul, or maintaining her human sentience). She was rather ...
Harry Potter Wiki 272 pàgines Explora Categories català Nagini Mostra el codi Nagini (mort: 3 de maig de 1998) és una serp gegant, mascota i aliada de Lord Voldemort. No és com les altres serps del seu tipus; posseeix un verí mortífer, i pot posseir cossos humans, tal com ...
In the summer of 1994, Nagini, along with Voldemort and Pettigrew, sought shelter in the abandonedRiddle Houseuntil they could instigate the plan to capture Harry Potter. Nagini alerted Voldemort to the presence ofFrank Bryce, an oldMugglegardener who had worked for the lateRiddle familyand had...