Bars (means + SE, n = 4) with the same letter and colour in each graph are not significantly different among the treatments, according to Tukey’s HSD test. Excessive NaCl salinity either in glycophyte or halophyte tissues increases the concentration of Na and Cl at the expense of K [...
Values below 0.0001 or above 10 are offset to the borders of the graph. The horizontal lines indicate the median value for each data cluster, while the boxes indicate the lower and upper quartiles. The same trend is seen in Figure 7 where the specific resistance (the area resistance R...
Notice also, in relation to Figure 11, that the anodic polarisation graph did not exhibit current fluctuations. This is because this steel undergoes active corrosion; hence, there was no passive film to destroy. As for the stainless steels, the erosion-enhanced corrosion factor is substantial. ...
in maize. The results showed that 150 μM exogenous MT application protected membrane integrity and reduced ROS accumulation by activating the antioxidant system in leaves of maize seedlings under salt stress, their relative conductivity and H2O2level average reduced by 20.91% and 17.22%, while the ...