In the present study, we measured the thermal conductivity of Toyoura sand and glass beads using a heat probe method to clarify the effects of gravimetric water content ( w ) and NaCl concentration ( C ) and to evaluate the estimation effectiveness of four models (Mochizuki, de Vries, No...
Thermal conductivityClayCoolingNaCl concentrationThe thermal conductivity of soils is a key factor in calculating soil heat transfer and analyzing the temperature fields in geotechnical engineering projects in cold regions. In this study, investigations have been carried out with respect to the effect of...
conductivitywatercontentSoil thermal conductivity is a key factor governing its thermal regime. In the present study, we measured the thermal conductivity of Toyoura sand and glass beads using a heat probe method to clarify the effects of gravimetric water content (w) and NaCl concentration (C) ...
Results of the analysis show that the high-frequency conductivity of doped NaCl is completely due to the dipole relaxation. The dipoles concentration was estimated as 25-50 ppm slightly increasing with temperature in the temperature range 120-220 degreesC in accord with the expected one from the ...
Effects of temperature, pressure and NaCl concentration on electrical conductivity of geothermal fluid using molecular dynamicsMakoto EnokimaruJames CannonKazuki SawayamaKeigo KitamuraYasuhiro Fujimitsu
concentration, (b) Conductivity vs. concentration. Experimental data from [1]. Table 6. Results of the resistance and conductivity fit of the 1-thread model of a CMX membrane. With the resistance fit method, the fit values at low concentrations are high and influence the model more than ...
Bars (means + SE, n = 4) with the same letter and colour in each graph are not significantly different among the treatments, according to Tukey’s HSD test. Excessive NaCl salinity either in glycophyte or halophyte tissues increases the concentration of Na and Cl at the expense of K [...