E.Soueret al[4]在矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)中克隆出了 NAC 转录因子基因 NAM(no apical meristem)。随后在矮牵牛和拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中发现了 ATAF1/2和 CUC2这2个转录因子。并以其首字母命名为 NAC 结构域[5]。NAC 基因目前已在拟南芥...
Molecular characterization of AtNAM: a member of the Arabidopsis NAC domain superfamily. Plant Mol Biol 50, 237–248. Ernst HA, Olsen AN, Skriver K, Larsen S, Lo Leggio L (2004). Structure of the conserved domain of ANAC, a member of the NAC family of transcription factors. EMBO Rep ...
The structure of the DNA-binding NAC domain of Arabidopsis ANAC (abscisic-acid-responsive NAC) has been determined by X-ray crystallography to 1.9 ? resolution (Protein Data Bank codes 1UT4 and 1UT7). This is the first structure determined for a member of the NAC family of plant-specific...
TaNAC2, a NAC-type wheat transc- ription factor conferring enhanced multiple abiotic stress tolerances in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot, 2012, 63: 1-14. [25]Yang R, Deng C, Ouyang B, et al. Molecular analysis of two salt- responsive NAC-family genes and their expression analysis in tomato. ...
Comprehensive analysis of NAC family genes in Oryza sativa and Arabidopsis thaliana. DNA Res. 2003;10(6):239–47. https://doi.org/10.1093/dnares/10.6.239. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Peng X, Zhao Y, Li X, et al. Genomewide identification, classification and analysis of NAC type...
divide the NAC family members into six major subgroups, and the third subgroup, also known as the transmembrane motifs (TMM) group, encompasses all NTL sequences identified in Arabidopsis thaliana; these sequences are involved mainly in the responses to environmental factors and stress signals [27...
NAC family proteins NARS1/NAC2 and NARS2/NAM in the outer integument regulate embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Online, 2008, 20 (10): 2631~2642 34 He XJ, Mu RL, Cao WH, Zhang ZG, Zhang JS, Chen SY. AtNAC2, a transcription factor downstream of ethylene and auxin signaling ...
A comprehensive analysis of NAC family genes in Chinese cabbage, rice and Arabidopsis was also performed. Phylogenetic analysis of BrNACs, along with their Arabidopsis and rice counterparts, divided the proteins into two major groups (A and B) and 19 subgroups. Homologous, paralogous, and ...
Members of the large Arabidopsis NAC domain transcription factor family are regulators of meristem development, organ elongation and separation, and deposition of patterned secondary cell walls. XYLEM NAC DOMAIN 1(XND1) is highly expressed in xylem. Changes observed for XND1 knockout plants compared ...
NAC转录因子是植物特有的一类转录因子家族,命名取自于矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)的NAM(no apical meristem)基因、拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)的ATAF1/2基因,以及CUC2(cup-shaped cotyledon)基因的首字母。1996年,Souer等研究人员从矮牵牛中克隆出第1个NAC转录因子家族成员NAM,它影响矮牵牛顶端分生组织的形成与分化[5]...