您驱动估计安装的不正确,您DELL笔记本底部有一张标签,上面有service tag号码,把他记下来,然后到官方的网站下载。您需要登陆戴尔官网进行驱动下载:http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/cn/zh/cnbsd1/DriversHome/?c=cn&s=bsd&cs=cnbsd1&l=zh ...
Dell电脑的驱动建议最好到戴尔官网进行驱动下载,地址如下,请根据自己的电脑型号及系统进行下载安装http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/cn/zh/cnbsd1/DriversHome/?c=cn&s=bsd&cs=cnbsd1&l=zh 可能原因有3:1、蓝牙鼠标损坏(可能性最小);2、蓝牙驱动不匹配(DELL蓝牙驱动不区分系统处理字节...
1、按windows+r键打开 运行 窗口,输入regedit,打开注册表 2、依次点开 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Configuration\AUO22EC0_01_07D9_D4^CB5A97934E6477FA782863D9CD475CC6\00\00 3、双击右边窗口的 Scaling 将原有的值4修改成3 4、关闭注册表,打开CS,一切OK,玩吧,全屏...
MSI N5010 (v1.X) Network System 用户手册说明书 (v1.X) Network System i
The company offers a wide range of products, including diodes, rectifiers, transistors, voltage regulators, MOSFETs, LED drivers, and protection devices, among others. The company's mission is to provide customers with high-quality, high-reliability products and excellent customer service. With a ...
1、去下载ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470驱动,重新安装显卡驱动。2、如果还不行,就去下载DELL N5010 15寸的显示器驱动。3、安装驱动精灵,用驱动精灵自动安装驱动。(一些漏装的驱动它也会帮你装上,方便)通过以上三步,问题应该能够解决。您好
In device manager did you click the Intel HD and loook at the drivers there as your driver do not match the drivers on your dxdiag.exe (they should be listed as the same) What I recomend for you as your laptop is close to mine in stats and same model num...
DRIVERS AND UTILITI 戴尔灵越15R N5010 HD5650显卡 笔记本目前而言只能够更换升级内存。其他的部件是无法更换的。操作起来太麻烦,而且还必须去厂家才行。所以就不要想更换显卡了。 淘宝网-万千笔记本处理器,淘不停! 淘宝网,专业的一站式购物平台,汇集众多品牌,超值商品,超低价格,随时随地,想淘就淘.广告 淘宝网-...
http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/us/en/19/Product/inspiron-15-intel-n5010 Upvote 0 Downvote S sonu nagra Honorable Dec 7, 2012 5 0 10,510 Dec 17, 2012 #6 my laptop dell inspiron n5010 bluetooth is not working...plz help me download drivers Upvote 0 Downvote You must log...