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(xyz5819 意念时空)如果是蓝屏的话,停止代码0xC0000135错误表示Windows无法定位所需的.DLL动态链接库文件。(xyz5819 意念时空)这个错误一般是因为Windows的系统文件受到了损坏或丢失,或Windows注册表受到了损坏引起的。(xyz5819 意念时空)如果遇到0xC0000135错误,建议检查一下完整的蓝屏故障提示,看看有没...
- 9/10 In Dells Inspiron 15R N5010 steckt leistungsstarke Technik, die ihren Preis hat. Den Arbeitstakt gibt die Intel-CPU Core i5-430M mit 2x 2,26 GHz an, iim Turbo-Boost-Mode erreicht sie sogar 1x 2,53 GHz. Einzeltest, online nicht verfügbar, Sehr kurz, Datum: 01.08.2010Bewer...
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I have a Dell Inspiron N5010 laptop running Windows7, and it automatically powers off when I login to my computer. I tried to run Diagnostics but it will not complete as laptop crashes within 30 seconds or so of logging in. As it crashes there is an audible click. ...
Update All Drivers File size:32.50 MB Platform:Windows 10 64 bit Price:FREE DOWNLOAD Downloads:23 Released:January 15, 2024 Manufacturer URL:Dell WARNING: Some of your drivers are outdated! Like Tweet +1 E-mail WhatsApp Share Share
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