前期设置:ic-7300通过USB线缆设置与电脑相连,电脑使用N1MM软件,其中设置方法请参见https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/mmfiles/icomusbcodecinstructions-pdf/ 和https://pe4bas.blogspot.com/2020/09/ic-7300-usb-configuration-at-one-place.html https://www.k0pir.us/icom-7300-n1mm-logger-plus-setup/ 实在看不...
Most Ham Radio contesters use N1MM+ for contest logging and many are now using it with two radios in a Single-Operator-Two-Radio (SO2R) arrangement. N1MM Broadcast Data for... Continue Reading → February 12, 2025 0 IC-7300 Spectrum Display with N1MM+ I recently bought an Icom IC-7300...
{CAT1HEX FEFE94E0271001FD} will turn on the scope on an Icom IC7300 “/P” will insert the characters ‘/P’ at the insertion point (cursor) in whichever textbox currently has focus “https://www.wm7d.net/” will open the web page wm7d.net “notepad.exe C:\contestnotes.txt”...
Icom IC-705, IC-7300, IC-7850/51, IC-7610, IC-9700 Flex 6300/6400/6400M/6500/6600/6600M/6700 Radios Elecraft K3/K3S/KX3 plus software/hardware: Elecraft K4 native spectrum: For those who own Win4YaesuSuite Waterfall Bandmap Software ...
IC-7300 using address 94 hex This radio can not be used in SO2V mode because Icom did not provide VFO specific polling commands. Currently they provide Selected and Unselected VFO Frequency & Mode commands. Radio control via USB with Icom driver or CI-V interface. To control the radio via...
) check the “Internal Radio Codec” checkbox. Also, in the Configurer, set the PTT control to use CAT commands by opening the port setup for the radio control port and checking the “PTT via Radio Command Digital Mode” checkbox. If your radio has menu commands for selecting the audio ...
https://www.k0pir.us/icom-7300-n1mm-logger-plus-setup/ 实在看不懂,就看下面的图 可以参考我的设置 故障症状:我按照上述方法设置了,单每次按下PTT通话后,都出现了连接丢失的提示,N1MM的频率显示也就不再准确,导致很多通联的频率没有被正确记录,为了能正常参赛,只能每次掉线后再手动进入设置重新同步,非常麻烦...