前期设置:ic-7300通过USB线缆设置与电脑相连,电脑使用N1MM软件,其中设置方法请参见https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/mmfiles/icomusbcodecinstructions-pdf/ 和https://pe4bas.blogspot.com/2020/09/ic-7300-usb-configuration-at-one-place.html https://www.k0pir.us/icom-7300-n1mm-logger-plus-setup/ 实在看不...
Most Ham Radio contesters use N1MM+ for contest logging and many are now using it with two radios in a Single-Operator-Two-Radio (SO2R) arrangement. N1MM Broadcast Data for... Continue Reading → February 12, 2025 0 IC-7300 Spectrum Display with N1MM+ I recently bought an Icom IC-7300...
{CAT1HEX FEFE94E0271001FD} will turn on the scope on an Icom IC7300 “/P” will insert the characters ‘/P’ at the insertion point (cursor) in whichever textbox currently has focus “https://www.wm7d.net/” will open the web page wm7d.net “notepad.exe C:\contestnotes.txt”...
Icom IC-705, IC-7300, IC-7850/51, IC-7610, IC-9700 Flex 6300/6400/6400M/6500/6600/6600M/6700 Radios Elecraft K3/K3S/KX3 plus software/hardware: Elecraft K4 native spectrum: For those who own Win4YaesuSuite Waterfall Bandmap Software ...
IC-7000 using address 70 hex IC-7100 using address 88 hex IC-7200 using address 76 hex IC-7300 using address 94 hex IC-7400 using address 66 hex IC-7410 using address 80 hex IC-7600 using address 7A hex IC-7610 using address 98 hex IC-7700 using address 74 hex IC-7800 using addr...
For other digital modes (including PSK and WSJT modes), the choice would normally be one of: PSK (if available, e.g. Elecraft K3/K3S), AFSK-R (on some radios, e.g. IC-7300), or USB (older radios that do not have a dedicated mode for sound card digital modes). Always...
Under the Mode Control tab in the Configurer, set the “Mode sent to radio” for DIGI according to the radio type (AFSK-R for IC-7300/Flex/recent Yaesu/Kenwood, PSK for K3/K3S or IC-7600/7800 series, USB for radios with no special mode setting for sound-card digital modes). If ...
https://www.k0pir.us/icom-7300-n1mm-logger-plus-setup/ 实在看不懂,就看下面的图 可以参考我的设置 故障症状:我按照上述方法设置了,单每次按下PTT通话后,都出现了连接丢失的提示,N1MM的频率显示也就不再准确,导致很多通联的频率没有被正确记录,为了能正常参赛,只能每次掉线后再手动进入设置重新同步,非常麻烦...