EXPLORE THE MYSTERY Follow the notes left by a mystery person to find the answers. There is something deep inside your memories that will help you to solve the puzzles of this mystic island. The clue is in the past and this is the path to future and its secrets. Find all the hidden ...
The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health: The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow. Crunchy numbers About 3 million people visit the Taj Mahal every year. This blog was viewed about 59,000...
Those first two weeks, the fear was palpable. With daily updates, the numbers were climbing. Then tragically, on April 7th, a woman dies in Nova Scotia, and it began; glued to the daily updates took a toll on many of us, including me, but I could not stop watching and listening for...
He knows people who know people, and serves as a middleman, never asking too many questions and just handing over names and phone numbers. Pushing forty with a vengeance, the Denver native doesn't like to worry about everything that happened before he was born and focuses on the present, ...
(Mk 4, 35–41), quoting quite literally fromThe Gospel in Solentiname. One of the peasants, Bosco, comments that repression is the danger they face, and Cosme answers that, “We are undergoing a rain of injustices. Inequalities are the waves going up and down”, to which Olivia adds,...