The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health: The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow. Crunchy numbers About 3 million people visit the Taj Mahal every year. This blog was viewed about 59,000...
He knows people who know people, and serves as a middleman, never asking too many questions and just handing over names and phone numbers. Pushing forty with a vengeance, the Denver native doesn't like to worry about everything that happened before he was born and focuses on the present, ...
(Mk 4, 35–41), quoting quite literally fromThe Gospel in Solentiname. One of the peasants, Bosco, comments that repression is the danger they face, and Cosme answers that, “We are undergoing a rain of injustices. Inequalities are the waves going up and down”, to which Olivia adds,...