5.5执行 alter table mysql.proc MODIFY COLUMN `comment` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL AFTER `sql_mode`; 9.mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show events': Cannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server start (1577) 报错原因:不合理的...
5.5执行 alter table mysql.proc MODIFY COLUMN `comment` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL AFTER `sql_mode`; 9.mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show events': Cannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server start (1577) 报错原因:不合理的...
python开发安装第三方库时,很多人选择在cmd终端用命令行pip进行安装。 然而有时敲入pip命令会提示‘pip’不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序 或批处理文件。 遇到这种问题,是因为系统环境变量没配置好 控制面板\系统和安全\系统”→“高级系统设置” →“高级“→“环境变量 选择系统变量—path,...
** Message: Thread 2 dumping data for `replcrash`.`py_user_innodb` ** Message: Thread 1 dumping data for `replcrash`.`py_user_myisam` ** (mydumper:5179): CRITICAL **: Could not read data from replcrash.py_user_innodb: Table definition has changed, please retry transaction ** Messag...
426声望209粉丝 成立于 2017 年,以开源高质量的运维工具、日常分享技术干货内容、持续的全国性的社区活动为社区己任;目前开源的产品有:SQL审核工具 SQLE,分布式中间件 DBLE、数据传输组件DTLE。 « 上一篇 一文了解 MySQL 全新版本模型 下一篇 » MySQL5.7 与 MariaDB10.1 审计插件兼容性验证 ...
某客户反馈,使用 mysqldump 搭建从库,启动复制后,复制报错:Could not execute Write_rows event on table xxx; Duplicate entry 'xxx' for key 'PRIMARY'。 客户使用的命令(看起来没啥问题)。 -- 主库备份 shell> mysqldump -uroot -pxxx --master-data=2 --single-transaction -A --routines --events -...
某客户反馈,使用 mysqldump 搭建从库,启动复制后,复制报错:Could not execute Write_rows event on table xxx; Duplicate entry 'xxx' for key 'PRIMARY'。 客户使用的命令(看起来没啥问题)。 代码语言:javascript 复制 --主库备份 shell>mysqldump-uroot-pxxx--master-data=2--single-transaction-A--routines...
〇mysqldump: Couldnt execute show events: Cannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server start (1577) 原因: 字典表不正确,极大可能是导入了其他版本的mysql schema盖掉了字典表。 处理思路: 尝试mysql_upgrade来修复,或找到对应版本的mysql_system_tables_fix.sql来...
() does not work because the claim below does not hold. " /* When we first come here after LOCK TABLES, select_lock_type is set to LOCK_S or LOCK_X. Store the value in case we run also consistent reads and need to restore the value later. */ if (prebuilt->select_lock_type !
``` 〇 mysqldump: Couldnt execute SHOW FIELDS FROM `$view_name`: The user specified as a definer ($user@$host) does not exist (1449) 〇 mysqldump: Couldnt execute show table status like $view_name: SELECT command denied to user @% for column $col_name in table $tb_name (1143) `...