''mysqldump'' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. sir, what might be the problem?
我已经按照说明进行了操作,但是当我在最后一个问题中尝试通过命令行(php artisan db: backup )备份我的本地数据库时,我收到了以下消息。[BackupManager\ShellProcessing\ShellProcessFailed] 'mysqldump' is not recognized as an internal or external 浏览63提问于2015-07-11得票数 15 ...
when I type in mysqldump in a command window I get "mysqldump is not recognized as an internal or external command ...". this happens even if I am in the bin directory where mysqldump lives. And I can't type the whole explicit pathname because it has spaces in it. ...
How to fix mysqldump is not recognized as internal or external command? What chokes mysqldump If I don't add the loose prefix? How to disable column statistics by default in MySQL? How do I Turn Off MySQL beep when errors occur? Unidentified Variable 'delayed-insert=FALSE' Triggers Mysqldum...
reset master logs; 重新001开始记数二进制日志(老版本)。从MariaDB10.1.6开始支持TO #,指定从#开始记数 一 完全备份,并还原到最新状态(mysqldump) 前提条件:启用二进制日志,并单独存放。在mysql数据丢失时,可以还原最新备份到丢失时刻的数据 1 完全备份 ...
在config/database.php的 'driver' => 'mysql''dump' => [ 'dump_binary_path' => 'C:/...