1 errcode 2013 lost connection to mysql server during query 原来Workbench里有一个设置的地方,能指定查询等待事件。默认超过30秒就会断开查询。 设置的位置如下: Edit -- Preferences -- SQL Editor -- DBMS connection read timeout interval(in seconds) 找到DBMS connection read timeout interval(in seconds)...
first i have to say that the workbench tool is a very good and helpfull tool. But can anyone explain me how i can set up the Timeout? Because MySQL Workbench has an "Query-Timeout" of 30seconds, but i find no options to configure. That means that an Query that tooks longer than ...
SELECT Query Results Limit Rows Enabled by default. Queries can sometimes return an excessive number of rows, which can heavily load the connection, and take time to display in MySQL Workbench. To prevent this, you can set a more moderate value here. This limit is defined by theLimit Rows ...
四、工具mysqlworkbench(8.0.32) 五、配置NFS服务 5.1环境准备 5.2安装NFS服务端 5.3配置客户端 各种依赖包下载地址 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/liba/libaio/中科大源下载deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/ ...
I was trying to run a query on my local SQL install (whatever MAMP manages and provisions) using MySQL Workbench 6.3 for Mac but kept getting a timeout error. The query itself wasn’t overly complex, but I was using aggregate functions, group by, and a join to consolidate a datase...
time_zone 初始部署后,Azure Database for MySQL - 灵活服务器实例包含用于时区信息的系统表,但这些表中没有填充数据。 可以通过从 MySQL 命令行或 MySQL Workbench 等工具调用mysql.az_load_timezone存储过程来填充时区表。 还可以使用Azure 门户或Azure CLI调用存储过程并设置全局时区或会话级时区。
还有一个就是配置完成之后,使用 navicat 连接shardingsphere-proxy 成功后,在刷新数据库列表是会报 SQL 语法错误,而使用 MySQL 官方的 workbench 可以正常使用,说明 shardingsphere-proxy 并没有完全适配 navicat。在使用过程中有很多吐槽的地方,除了以上几点,那个 shardingsphere-ui 也是很鸡肋的一个东西。所以不建议...
Time to wait between attempts to contact a management server, in seconds; 0 means do not wait between attempts (Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.7) --connect-string=connection_string, -c connection_string Same as --ndb-connectstring ...
executed in that connection. Even though the query takes a long time, when it fetches the results (after about 2 mins), the Duration on the Action Output grid lists the Duration as only .07 seconds.How to repeat:1. Open MYSQL Workbench. 2. Open a new connection. 3. Run a query ...
(Time interval between sending keep-alive messages to DBMS) DBMS connection read timeout interval (in seconds): 30 (default) (The maximum amount of time the query can take to return data from the DBMS) Especially the 2nd one is important; and how e.g. can I use that same setting when...