1 errcode 2013 lost connection to mysql server during query 原来Workbench里有一个设置的地方,能指定查询等待事件。默认超过30秒就会断开查询。 设置的位置如下: Edit -- Preferences -- SQL Editor -- DBMS connection read timeout interval(in seconds) 找到DBMS connection read timeout interval(in seconds)...
Using SQL_TIMEOUT option user will be able to specify maximum execution time for query (by inserting proper option specification into the text of the query). For example "SELECT SQL_TIMEOUT=30 * FROM foo.bar" will mean that query execution should be aborted with proper error-message if it...
spring.datasource.testOnBorrow=true spring.datasource.validation-query=SELECT 1 #移除被遗弃的连接 spring.datasource.remove-abandoned=true #设置超时时间 spring.datasource.tomcat.remove-abandoned-timeout=60
session级别修改interactive_timeout ## 打开第一个会话,设置session级别的interactive_timeout=2 MySQL [(none)]> set session interactive_timeout=2; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)MySQL [(none)]> select sleep(3);show session variables like ‘%timeout%’;show global variables like ‘%timeo...
JDBC QueryTimeout仅适用于某些供应商。 、、、 我正在尝试使用JDBC向我的系统添加查询超时。我使用statement.setQueryTimeout函数来做这件事。我知道这个值是在我使用connection.createStatement、prepareStatement等创建的语句上设置的,因为我已经使用statement.getQueryTimeout对其进行了检查然而,当测试不同的数据库(mysql...
如果我们运行mysql -uroot -p命令登陆到mysql,wait_timeout就会被设置为interactive_timeout的值。如果我们在wait_timeout时间内没有进行任何操作,那么再次操作的时候就会提示超时,这是mysql client会重新连接。 The number of seconds the server waits for activity on a noninteractive connection before closing it....
我以Mysql2::Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query:的身份执行批量插入并收到错误我在互联网和大多数要求增加net_read_timeout在MySQL网站上,net_read_timeout被描述为"The number of seconds to wait for more data from a connection before aborting 浏览13提问于2015-12-19得票数 21 ...
解释:这个参数关闭或不存在的话遇到超时只回滚事务最后一个Query,打开的话事务遇到超时就回滚整个事务。 interactive_timeout/wait_timeout 手册描述: The number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing it. An interactive client is defined as a client that uses ...
解释:这个参数关闭或不存在的话遇到超时只回滚事务最后一个Query,打开的话事务遇到超时就回滚整个事务。 interactive_timeout/wait_timeout 手册描述: The number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing it. An interactive client is defined as a client that uses ...
3.设置全局变量connect_timeout为12小时(12*3600=43200) MySQL [(none)]> SET GLOBAL connect_timeout = 43200; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 4.再次查看,确认参数是否修改成功 MySQL [(none)]> show global variables like '%timeout%'; ...