mysqldb:#image: mysql:5.7.21build:.#container_name: mysql_containerports: -"3306:3306"environment: -MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root-TZ=Europe/Sofia ...
container_name:mysql-master image:mysql:latestvolumes:-/home/soft/mysql-master/log:/var/log/mysql-/home/soft/mysql-master/data:/var/lib/mysql-/home/soft/mysql-master/conf/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf-/home/soft/mysql-master/mysql-files:/var/lib/mysql-files-/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro-...
# nodeName: yx188 # 指定节点运行,单机版k8s不需要指定 containers: #生成container,与docker中的container是同一种 - name: mysql-container image: lyb/mysql:k8s #使用镜像mysql: 创建container,该container默认3306端口可访问 imagePullPolicy: Never #使用本地镜像 ports: - containerPort: 3306 # 开启本容器... -container-port 8100 └─89875 /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip :: -host-port 8100 -container-ip -container-port 8100 Nov 03 01:23:55 node dockerd[11884]: time="2022-11-03T01:23:55.090581806+08:00" level=info msg="ignoring event" container=d9f4c...
Docker客户端。 创建Azure Database for MySQL 灵活服务器 创建资源组 Azure 资源组是一个逻辑组,用于部署和管理 Azure 资源。 我们来使用az group create命令在 eastus 位置创建一个资源组 rg-mysqlaksdemo。 打开命令提示符。 登录Azure 帐户。 Azure CLI ...
[INFO] Setting container timezone to: UTC httpd_1 | [INFO] Docker date set to: Mon Dec 30 13:16:05 UTC 2019 php_1 | usermod: no changes httpd_1 | [INFO] $WORKER_PROCESSES set to its default value: 'auto'. httpd_1 | [INFO] Setting worker_connections to: 1024 httpd_1 | [...
Docker can check to see if the container has failed, and restart it for us too. The host is in charge of running the actual Docker service and setting the firewall correctly. Notice that the Zipkin container will expose port 9411 for its service, and the MySQL container will expose port ...
前期使用的时候,我们需要将docker-compose文件中的一些环境变量的值写入到airflow.cfg文件中,例如以下信息: 代码语言:javascript 复制 [core] dags_folder = /opt/airflow/dags hostname_callable = socket.getfqdn default_timezone = Asia/Shanghai # 修改时区 executor = CeleryExecutor sql_alchemy_conn = mysq...
mysql_slave_1_server: build: context: ./ dockerfile: Dockerfile-mysql container_name: mysql_slave_1 privileged: true command: ['/usr/sbin/init'] ports: - "15341:3306" networks: mysql_server_network: ipv4_address: tty: true networks: mysql_server_network: driver: bridge ipam:...
3. Execute docker save operator:VERSION -o mysql-operator.tar to export the container image where VERSION is the desired MySQL Operator for Kubernetes version. 4. Copy mysql-operator.tar to a host with access to the private registry. 5. Execute ...