但在实际使用时,时间总是显示为UTC0时间 正好相差8个小时,前面是jenkins打印时间,后面部分是container内部时间 查了网上各种方法,总共有几种: 1,直接加命令行: 1 docker run -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai 2, 直接改local time docker cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai container:/etc/localtime 看起来第一个方...
我们可以使用“ls”命令查看/usr/share/zoneinfo目录,它包含了所有可用的时区 ls /usr/share/zoneinfo# 输出结果太多了,就不展示了 使用timedatectl更改时区 timedatectl set-timezone 时区# 这里的时区就是上面ls里面的 docker容器的时间 从上面的结果可以看出linux的时间跟我本地的时间是一致的,那就可能是docker容...
2021-06-09T18-51-39Z restart: always container_name: minio command: server /data ports: - 9000:9000 volumes: - /data:/data - ./config:/root/.minio - ./zoneinfo/localtime:/etc/localtime // 把当前目录下的时区文件映射到容器内部 - ./zoneinfo/timezone:/etc/timezone // 把当前目录下...
Though the time zone change usually reflects immediately, in some cases, the container needs a restart for the time to change. 2. Using environment variables The timezone of a container can be set using an environment variable in the docker container when it is created. docker run -e TZ=Am...
docker exec -it<container_id>bash 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 安装tzdata包: apt-getupdateapt-getinstall-ytzdata 1. 2. 配置时区: ln-snf/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime dpkg-reconfigure-fnoninteractive tzdata ...
When I deploy the container and use PHP_TZ=Europe/Berlin the timezone on the webfrontend is right. But when Zabbix send a message with {EVENT.TIME} the time seems to be UTC. I use the alpine zabbix container.Member dotneft commented Sep 16, 2019 It is known issue, Zabbix server ...
Of course, when I go on my container, the date.timezone is correctly set in the 2 php.ini (cli & FPM). I don't understand why, but it works if I put my php.ini in/usr/local/etc/php/folder (wtf) Did I miss something?
postgres=# show timezone; TimeZone --- UTC (1 row) 需要永久修改为 Asia/Shanghai2. 尝试过的方法a. 使用psql语句 set timezone='Asia/Shanghai'; ; 退出psql环境再次连接后timezone恢复了 --> 无效b. 通过修改container下的config.v2.json文件,在Env里面加入"TZ=Asia/Shanghai" 和"PGTZ=Asia/Shan...
user.timezone=Etc/UTC, sun.arch.data.model=64, java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.threadFactory=org.apache.catalina.startup.SafeForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, java.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/jdk/jre/lib/endorsed, sun.cpu.isalist=, sun.jnu.encoding=ANSI_X3.4-1968, file.encoding.pkg=sun.io,...
They enable customers to reduce IT costs through consolidation, manage more containers per computing node and make better use of infrastructure to provide an application container environment in real time. · Industry-Leading Container Application Infrastructure: Docker EE brings container orchestration, ...